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Ok, so it's been a week since the coronation. Everything has been perfect, wrong. On Themiscyra, Percy was training hard. She's almost completed her training to become an Amazon, if she can just finish this duel with Diana, she's all set.

Time skip....

Well, she just finished the duel with Diana. Percy won, and now, preparations were being made for her ceremony. She was currently talking with Kaldur, she hadn't really had time to talk with him since the coronation.

"No, I'm fine Kaldur. Just I will be heading back to Atlantis tomorrow, Dad Said I'm finally ready to go back to the mortal world."

'Good, for I have missed you.' He said, and Percy rolled her eyes.

"I've only been gone a week, and remember, you're the one who disappeared on me." She sasses back, and he nervously chuckled. Percy laughed, then saw Diana approaching her.

"I've got to go, see you soon." She said, then hung up.

"Ready?" Her cousin asked, and Percy rolled her eyes.

"Sure, why not. Let's just get this over with, I wanna see my boyfriend." Percy Said, and her cousin just rolled her eyes.

They entered the room, and it was beautiful. An open air hall, with water lilys adorning the columns. Percy felt like she should be dressed fancier.

She was in a training suit, and it was red. Lots of other Amazons were wearing formal attire, and she looked up. Gasping, she couldn't hide her shock. Standing before her, was the Olympian council. Her family, her godly problem makers.

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