Rea pt 2

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Ok, so it's been a week since the coronation. Everything has been perfect, wrong. On Themiscyra, Percy was training hard. She's almost completed her training to become an Amazon, if she can just finish this duel with Diana, she's all set.

Time skip....

Well, she just finished the duel with Diana. Percy won, and now, preparations were being made for her ceremony. She was currently talking with Kaldur, she hadn't really had time to talk with him since the coronation.

"No, I'm fine Kaldur. Just I will be heading back to Atlantis tomorrow, Dad Said I'm finally ready to go back to the mortal world."

'Good, for I have missed you.' He said, and Percy rolled her eyes.

"I've only been gone a week, and remember, you're the one who disappeared on me." She sasses back, and he nervously chuckled. Percy laughed, then saw Diana approaching her.

"I've got to go, see you soon." She said, then hung up.

"Ready?" Her cousin asked, and Percy rolled her eyes.

"Sure, why not. Let's just get this over with, I wanna see my boyfriend." Percy Said, and her cousin just rolled her eyes.

They entered the room, and it was beautiful. An open air hall, with water lilys adorning the columns. Percy felt like she should be dressed fancier.

She was in a training suit, and it was red. Lots of other Amazons were wearing formal attire, and she looked up. Gasping, she couldn't hide her shock. Standing before her, was the Olympian council. Her family, her godly problem makers.

They were in Greek togas, really fancy. Percy glared at Diana, her wolf glare. The princess shifted under the glare, but kept walking forward. Percy then knelt before her father, not daring going before Zeus.

"My sisters, today, Percy has bested our bravest warrior. Earning our respect, and a place among us." Diana's mother said, and she backed up and Hestia stepped forward.

"Persephone, you have saved us more times than what should have been. We all owe you so much, all of us. You've had to face our problems, dealt with countless losses, and inspire others when all seemed lost." Hestia began, and Hera stepped forward. With something on a pillow, two bracelets.

"I've blessed these Amazonian bracelets, so when you wear them, your age changes to that of an eight year old. They Weill help you on your mission, and allow you to complete it without others learning who you are." Hestia stayed as she attached the bracelets onto Percy's wrists. Then Athena stepped forward, she was holding a grey spy looking coat, it was beautiful.

"You've saved my daughter many times, and even done stupid things for her. So, I give you this. A cloak that will make you invisible, nothing will be able to find you. All you have to do to disappear, it put on the hood." She said, as she placed it on Percy.

Next, Aphrodite stepped forward. She had a trident symbol in her hands, and it was beautiful.

"Percy, this was blessed by me. When you're being a mortal hero, it will change your eye color. They will mirror Pipers kaleidoscope Wes, But will change with your emotions." Aphrodite Said, as she pinned it onto Percy's belt. Zeus Just is allowing her to fly with the team, and she is still not gonna push that.

"Percy, your brother made this for you. It'll mask your demigod scent, and allow you to interface with mortal technology." Poseidon said, as he placed a silver tiara headband on Percy's forehead. On it, was just simple engravings.

"Tell him thank you, father." Percy Said, and then she stood up. Looking at Diana, she waited for confirmation. Diana nodded after a few second, and Percy took a deep breath. Steadying her heartbeat, then loosened her joints. Then, she brought her gauntlets to a defensive position above her head. Once the bracelets made contact, a shockwave was sent out.

Wind picked up, and everyone watched in awe as Percy floated up off the ground. Black gloves appeared on her hands, with a cutout on top of her hand. Then the light traveled down, and her whole appearance changed.

Her body began to shrink, and her eyes changed color. Her dress turned into pants and a shirt, black pants, and a red top identical to the top of her dress, and then red ankle boots.

The light stopped, and so did Percy's transformation. She touched the ground and everyone gasped, her eyes. They were no longer sea green, or swirling. They were crystal blue orbs, nothing like Thalia or Jason's, just regular mortal eyes.

"Percy, what shall we call you?" Asked Diana, as she stared at her cousin, who looked so unassuming.

"Rea, call me Rea." She said, and that made everyone smile.

"It is done, now, let's go introduce you to the team." Diana Said, and they disappeared. And then materialized in the cave, where the whole team was gathered.

"Team, meet my protégé, Rea. She's joining you." Diana Said, and Percy stick her tongue at her cousin.

"She's so cute!" Megan Cried our, making Percy flinch.

"Isn't She a bit young?" Asked Artemis, and then Percy sighed.

"Age doesn't matter, only your skills and ability. I am old enough, for I have all the skills I need." She said, and Nightwing smiled.

"What are her abilities?" Asked Kaldur, and Diana knee she had to be careful.

"Rea is a master martial artist, and has bested me in stealth." She said, and Reah had her jacket go away. Leaving her in her short sleeve suit with her gauntlets.

"She's a shape shifter?!?" Wally Cried out, and Percy smacked her forehead.

"No, I just have special stuff." Percy Said, and then Wally looked apprehensive.

"Go on, spar her." Diana Said, as she backed up. And the team immediately hanged up on her, Percy smirked then sprang into action.

Within six minutes, she had taken them all down, five minuets alone just to subdue the bat clan.

"Dam, she's good." Artemis groaned as she rolled into her side. Percy held in a laugh, dam.

"Welcome to the team." Aqualad Said, and Rea smiled.

'I will succeed, I'm gonna save my family.' She thought as they showed her to a room, to allow her to settle in.

PS: Hope y'all enjoy this chapter, I finally managed to make it. Please, don't worry. I will keep this story up, but I will most likely be updating irregularly. I apologize for the inconvenience and I appreciate the support everyone's given me for this story. Till then, may the odds be ever in your favor.

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