I love dudmarsh (tumblr) so i gave Stan that username

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To avoid confusion:

TuckerFucker Craig Tucker

CoffeeLove Tweek Tweak

idontcry Clyde Donovan (aka my son)

YoMamaBlack Token Black

Jimothyrules Jimmy Valmer

Kahlsmom Eric Cartman

BROflovski Kyle Broflovski

DUDEmarsh Stan Marsh

Kenneth69 Kenny (or Kenneth if your annoying) McCormick

Buttercup Leopold 'Butters' Stotch

GeeknotNerd Kevin Stoley

-.. .- -- .. . -. Damien Thorn

Teaandcrumpets Philip 'Pip' Pirrip

Donttestmyburgers Wendy Testaburger

Anyonesbitch Bebe Stevens

RedAlert Rebecca 'Red' Tucker

xXA.KnittsXx Annie Knitts

PeacefulProtest Heidi Turner

I might add more but for now this is it. Whew... Why are there so many characters in South Park?! Whatever, it's like 2:20 am so I'm knackered.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy! This book is sort of a side project for when I'm feeling down because it's gonna be comedy-based! Love you! ~💜

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