Chapter 3

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Lance's POV.

I sighed.

"What are you talking about Katie."

As I got closer I noticed how her under lip was bleeding from most likely chewing on it.

"I told you to stop calling me that. My name is pidge."

I remembered where she got that name. During one of her older sessions we actually got her to open up a little.

She explained how her elder brother and her father gave her that nickname when she was young.

Unfortunately they both vanished. The police have searched for months but nobody ever found them.

After several more months they filed them dead.

I walked over to where she was sitting, she had her legs pressed against her chest and she wore a sickening grin.

"Fine then. Pidge. What are you talking about."

She giggled.

"I don't think I want to tell you just yet."

I grunted mentally. She's always playing mind games. I wanted to roll my eyes but I had to keep this professional.

"Oh? And why is that?"

She turned her head to me and looked at me with an insane look. As if she had a plan or knew something I didn't.

"Cause soon, wether you like it or not, you're gonna meet someone quite challenging. You've always known how to deal with your patients."

She moved and stood up, she walked over to me with her head looking down.

"Hehe I'm excited to see all your confidence slowly drain out of you.
Slowly but surely, you'll go insane too"

She started laughing uncontrollably.

I suddenly felt uneasy... worried. Most things that pidge predicted were always accurate. I was about to ask more but I was cut off by my coworker coming into the room.

I turned to him and gave him a questioning look. he looked as if he was distressed or maybe even scared.

I stood up and looked over at pidge who was staring at me creepily.

"Watch out. He might bite."

I ignored her comment and walked over to the door.

"We should go outside to discuss this, lance"

I nod and follow him outside and wait for him to close the door.

As I watch the door close I saw pidge staring at me till the door shut.


I snap back into reality and look over to my coworker who still looked very uneasy.

"Oh, yes. Uhm, Adam what's going on?We all know the no interruptions policy."

"I know I know, but we have a slight emergency, we need you."

My usual plain expression immediately turned serious.

"What's the problem."

"It's better if we walk and talk. We need you to be in there as soon as possible."

He started to walk away from me and I quickly caught up.
He hands me a file.

"We have a new patient."


"Some guy called Keith kogane."

Keiths POV.

God this is so boring.

I had been laying on this horrifically uncomfortable bed for what feels like forever just listening to the voice is my head.

I've been looking at the ceiling this entire time.

Countless people have been coming in and out in hopes that I'd open up to them.

God they all sound so dumb asking practically the same questions.

Hence... why I beat up one of them to the point that his face was covered in blood and he was most definitely unconscious.

That was fun wasn't it?

Yeah... I can't lie... it was pretty funny seeing him beg for mercy like they all do... that expression is practically the same on everyone but goddamn... it never gets old...

I sat up and looked around.

I wasn't in the typical cell or room. They put me in what looks more like a box. All but one wall was made out of some kind of metal. As for the other wall, well that's where the door was but it was all made out of some kind of glass. Probably polycarbonate.

Very hard to break.

Not impossible.

I laugh at that comment.

Come on now... we both know we'll figure something out to get out of this hell hole.

We always have.

I snap back into reality.
Suddenly I heard a door open.

I may have been in a box but this box was in a room. And someone just came in here.

I'm sure of it.

I can practically smell them.

I squint my eyes and try to find a person in the darkness behind the glass.

I see a man, he had brown hair and tan skin. He has bright blue eyes and he's wearing a white coat.

He's looking down at some papers in his hands which I presume are about me.

Oooo he doesn't look bad... not bad at all... don't you think?

Couldn't agree more...

He looked up at me with a plain expression.

"Keith kogane?"

I smirk.

Oh... this is gonna be fun.


818 words

Hello friend :3

This took a while to write...
I don't really like it... I actually forgot about this book for a bit...


Merry Christmas! <3
2018 is gonna be gone in a second.

So go subscribe to pewdiepie.

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