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Basic Information:

Full Name: Rosalie Elizabeth Hale

Alias: The Witch

Nicknames: Rose, Rosie, Hale, Miss Hale, Subject 16

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Worker at Wayne Enterprises/Villain

Mental State: Slightly insane

Biological Data:

Mother: Bethany Hale; alive

Father: Mathew Hale; deceased

Appearance Details:

Eye Colour: Green

Hair Colour: Platinum Blonde

Height: 5'2

Skin Type: Fair

Piercings: Belly piercing, helix piercing, first and second piercings

Scar(s): Right hip and along her left thigh

Personality Traits:

Positive Traits: Loyal, persistent, passionate 

Negative Traits: Manipulative, lack of empathy

Abilities: Martial arts, telekinesis, portals, brief mind control, creation of barriers, basic knowledge of weapons, speaks multiple foreign languages

Personal Information:

- best friend; Veronica Collins
- frenemy; Sierra Quinn
- crush; Edward Nygma

Weaknesses: Overuse of her powers, stubbornness, curiosity, love 

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