Chapter 8: One More

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"Haha!" Ohtar laughed, raising a triumphant fist into the air as the entire bridge erupted into flame. "Take that you Orcish shrak!"

I thumped Eradan on the back as I joined in cheering. "Just try and bring reinforcements to Minas Tirith now, Sauron!"

Aerel shot me a grin, which almost immediately faded as she cast her gaze over my shoulder, her eyes widening with fear as the flames danced in them. "We have to go, now!"

I spun around, letting out an exclamation of surprise as I saw a large company of Haradrim hurrying toward us, weapons at the ready. "Quickly! To the gate!"

We all took off at a run, the indecipherable cries of the Haradrim just behind us. Our booted feet thudded on the white pavestones as we hastened forward, my heartbeat echoing loudly in my ears. I risked a quick look behind us, hoping that our foe wasn't gaining on us. It seemed that we had maintained our distance, but one of the warriors was now holding a javelin in his hand, preparing to throw it.

"Look out!" I cried as he released the long shaft, its whistle warning of its passage. Several more followed, most of them barely missing us. Eradan stumbled slightly, skinning his hand on the rough ground as he caught himself but he quickly regained his footing and caught up.

The Haradrim continued to throw javelin after javelin at us, somehow not losing any ground as they pursued.

A massive explosion suddenly rocked the ground, knocking us all to our knees. I spat out the dirt and debris that had entered my mouth as I fell, looking back at the source of the explosion. Something, presumably the massive kegs that had been stored on it, had ignited, mushrooming up into a massive ball of fire as the bridge collapsed in the inferno.

Aerel shook her head, trying to orient herself as she slowly rose. Ohtar almost immediately leapt to his feet, helping her up with a large hand.

I, in turn, helped Eradan up as he coughed, his face covered in dust. I cast an anxious glance toward the Haradrim. Several of them lay motionless, concussed by the blast. But most of them were rising to their feet, only slightly disoriented.

"Hurry!" I exclaimed, throwing Eradan's arm around me as we took off again. A shout from Ohtar almost immediately caused me to turn back around.

My heart dropped as I saw the burly highwayman lurch forward, a thick-shafted javelin protruding from the small of his back.

"Ohtar!" I shouted, taking off in his direction. I was heedless of the arrows flying past, intent only on reaching my companion. He let out a cry of anguish as he scrambled back to his feet, only to fall back onto his hands and knees a second later from the pain. The Haradrim were closing in on us, but I had no intention of leaving another of my comrades to their fate.

I reached his side, throwing his arm around my shoulder and lifting him to his feet. I could hear the deadly whir of arrows and javelins all around us, but I paid them no heed.

"Eradan, cover me!" I cried, pulling Ohtar along with all my strength. The burly outlaw was trying his best to support himself, but even then his weight was a considerable burden to bear. I looked up to see Eradan firing back at our foes, and Aerel was quickly covering the distance between us. As I shifted position to better support Ohtar, I could feel warm, sticky blood upon the palm of my hand.

"Just a little further," I urged, feeling Ohtar's strength fading with each step. The weight was relieved slightly when Aerel came to Ohtar's other side, helping us move faster as we escaped. The cries of the Haradrim faded into the distance as Eradan and Uirion picked most of them off, and after a half-hour of eery silence, they returned to catch up to us in the bowels of the city.

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