Out Of My Limit

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~(A/N) Hey guys!!! This is my first story on Wattpad! So please don't hate haha. Lots of love! -Ashley x ~

The weird thing about love is, one day you could be head over heels for someone, the the next day completely forget about it. The great thing about love is that you can feel special by the person you love most. But the worst part is, sometimes the person you love may not feel the same.

My name is Ashley, I have long brown hair, and hazel eyes. I just moved to Vegas with my mom and older sister. Her name is Allison, and she's probably the closest thing I call family nowadays, since our parents divorce. She has long blonde hair, that she gets from our father, hazel eyes, I wish I was as beautiful as she is. At our old school in L.A. Allison was one of the popular girl, unlike me I'm very shy and soft spoken.

"I CALL BIGGEST ROOM!" Allison yells as we are pulling into the driveway to our new house.

The house was beautiful! It was a two-story house with a white fence, and inside there was 4 rooms to choose from. Allison and I go find our rooms and start unpacking our stuff. Then someon rings the doorbell. "I got it!" Allison and I yell in union. Standing at the door was a beautiful girl, she had short blonde hair that once came to her shoulders, and her eyes were blue/greenish.

"Hey I see you guys ar new in town! My name is Kayla and I live next door too you. Maybe I could show you girls around town later today!"

"Hi, I'm Allison and this i my younger sister Ashley. We would love to! Tex me a time and we'll be there." After Allison and Kayla exchange numbers I close the door and turn to Allison.

"Do I have to go? I have so much stuff to unpack still."

"Ash! You're not gonna make friends being stuck in this house all day! So you're coming."

~(A/N) Sorry this chapter kinda sucks! I promise it will get better guys!

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