Chapter 3

42 3 2

1 Drink..

2 Drinks...

3 Drinks...

The bitter taste of beer rushing through my body. The girls and I are dancing one the kitchen counter, yelling out the song lyrics to whatever song comes on. I've never felt this free, usually I'm the girl that stays home doing my homework but this party thing, I could really get used to this. Not soon after the song is over we are greeted by these four guys. Sara kisses the one with crazy colored hair, I'm guessing that's the guy Mikey she was texting earlier. While Patricia greets the guy wearing a bandana with a kiss also. The other two just standing there waiting for the couples to come back to reality. One of them was a gorgeous blonde haired, blue eyed guy, with a pierced lip. I wouldn't mind getting to know him by the end of the night. And the other guy was basically drooling over my sister, he had brown hair and he was wearing a tankyop, which was showing off his tattoos.

Kayla finally breaks the silence and introduces us, "Guys this is Ashley and Allison, they are new in town and we are showing them how to have a good time around here."

The Blonde boy with the piercing introduced himself, "Hi my names Luke, mind if me and my pal Calum join you guys?" Holy shit! He has a sexy Austrailan accent, I could just listen to him talk all day.

"No we don't mind at all" Allison and I say together. I excuse myself to the bathrrom bringing Allison and Kayla along with me.

"Okay, guys that Calum guy, yeah I like his face." Allison says, we all break out into a giggle fit.

"Yeah tell me about, but Luke.. Oh Lordy, he is a good hunk of hotness!" I blurt out of nowhere. Kayla is just busting up laughing at us.

"What? You can't tell us that you don't find them the least bit attractive in anyway." Allison giggles out.

Kayla is basically crying from whatever is funny to her, "Are you crazy love? I've grown up with these guys, even if I did find them a little attractive they ruined it for me a long time ago by just being them." She finally says after she calms down a bit. I really like this girl, I can already tell we are gonna be great friends.

When we finally got out of the bathroom, Sara and I'm guessing her boyfriend approach us, with Patricia and her boyfriend, "Oh guys sorry I didn't introduce you guys sooner, This is my boyfriend Michael, but you can him Mikey for short, and that is Patricias' boyfriend Ashton." After saying our hellos, Allison and I think it's probably a good time to go home.

As we are about to leave, and get into Kayla's car so she can drop us off Luke comes running out yelling my name.

"Ashley, I'd love to get to know you more, we should hangout sometime. Here's my number." Luke hands me a teared off piece of paper with his name and number on it. He hugs me bye, and I get into the car.

~(A/N) Well I tried updating as much as I could today, Hope you enjoy it so far!~ 

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