The Sequel

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Congrats! You made it to the end of A Prince's Errand.  And yes, there will be another book (11 more to be exact).

The second book in the series is called,  The Dark Necromancer.  It is a revised version of my previously published novel, The Dragons' Legacy (it's current out of print/distribution).  I will be uploading chapters for The Dark Necromancer sometime during the spring/summer of 2020.

The talented Kerem Beyit is once again working on the cover art and I will be releasing the beta-version of The Dark Necromancer with that cover (unlike how I released A Prince's Errand).

Although the plot is mostly the same, I will be doing an entire overhaul to story.  The original novel was written in an omnipresent third-person present tense.  I've since changed my writing style, so I am adapting The Dark Necromancer to my current mode of storytelling.  Many of the nitty-gritty details need to be different in order to jive with A Prince's Errand.  I anticipate the project will take another 9 months to finish.  I have a rough outline for the novel, but I will be making changes to it in January 2019.

Follow me on Wattpad to be notified of when I start posting chapters.  Like A Prince's Errand, The Dark Necromancer  will be posted during its beta-phase.

You can also read the short-story A Thief's Way, which coincides with the events of A Prince's Errand.  It features the thief, Tilthan and his buddies, Nath and Nemral-they constitute the rest of Sharon's thieving troupe.  I will be uploading chapters for A Thief's Way sometime in Jan.  I have an outline prepared for that short short and it should only take a couple weeks to finish it.  It's slated for 17,000 words and I can usually get 3,000 to 5,000 in a day.

And most of all, I want to give you a BIG thank you for sticking with the story to this point!  Between the nomination for a Watty and the warm reception I've received, you have made this author's Wattpad experience a wonderful one!

Thank you again!

- Robert Zangari

Interesting facts:

Final word count for A Prince's Errand-prior to professional editing-was 325,732.  That translates into 1350 pages in standard editing format, and roughly 758 pages in print format.

Approximately 9 months to write, started April 15th, 2018 and finished December 20th, 2018.

Originally planned as a prequel novella.

Main events of this story existed as backstory for the other Tales of the Amulet novels and short-stories (9 works total).

A Prince's Errand now available for pre-order on Amazon:

On December 3rd, 2019 you can read the complete story for free with Kindle Unlimited. The version on Amazon is a professionally edited book with additional content that was not featured here on Wattpad.

If you don't have a Kindle Unlimited membership and would still like to read the book free of cost I can send you a copy in exchange for a honest review.

Thanks for reading, and we hope you enjoy the story.

Kickstarter Campaign successfully funded on March 1st, 2019

You can visit the official page for the Kickstarter:

Funds raised by this Kickstarter went toward offsetting production costs for A Prince's Errand.

A Prince's Errand [PREVIEW] ✔️ | Book One of TALES OF THE AMULETWhere stories live. Discover now