09 | hot pursuit

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Billie sees Scott waiting outside the front steps as she walks out, school done for the week. Scott gives her a small smile as she walks down the steps. They fall into silence as they begin walking home. The two teens aren't comfortable yet to talk to one another, both people of very few words. But Billie would rather walk in silence with somebody than walk alone by herself. And walking with Scott keeps Tim happy, especially with his hands full with Angela.

It was still tense between Angela and Tim. Both were too stubborn to admit that they were wrong and apologise, causing Billie and Curly to tread on eggshells around them. It was tiring to watch what they had to say about the other, and sometimes Billie slipped up, causing Angela's eyes to cloud over and darken as she shifted into a foul mood.

Tim just had this lost look in his eyes whenever Curly accidentally mentioned Angela. It was like he had given up and didn't know what to do anymore. It was as though Tim had lost hope.

Hope was a hard thing to come by on the East side. Nearly all those living on the East side had lost hope for a better life. Robert and Gail Shepard had lost hope. Billie remembers her mother drunkenly telling Tim that his hope in the world would get him killed. She told him that it was no use believing that there was good in the world, because if there was, why were they poor? Why were they struggling when the Socs were living the good life with their fancy jobs, fancy houses and fancy lifestyles?

Even at five years old, Billie knew that was the moment her big brother changed. That light inside of Tim was extinguished, blown out for something much darker; hatred.

Billie hears the low sound of a car engine running and the heady smell of petrol hits Billie nose and she wrinkles her nose in disgust. No matter how many times she's dragged to drag races or to check out a Greaser's car, she will never get used to the smell of petrol.

Beside her, Scott stiffens, touching his yellowing bruises on his face subconsciously. Billie and Scott walk closer to each other as the car continues to follow behind them. They try to act unaffected, but neither of them has a poker face.

Billie's heart pounds as the car gets closer. Although the owner of the car hasn't said anything, Billie knows something is wrong. She looks at Scott, who nods his head, conveying what Billie is thinking.

Billie counts to three in her head before she and Scott take off, running down the sidewalk in an attempt to shake off the car. Voices in the car curse before accelerating and chasing after the pair of teens.

Scott takes charge, being the faster one out of the pair even when not fully recovered from being jumped. Billie follows him as he runs down the streets of the East side, running past run-down houses, owners outside not fazed at the sight of two teens running away from a sportscar pursuing them.

Scott sharply turns onto a street and Billie nearly stumbles as she tries to keep up. Her legs are sore from running so quickly and she's taking in large gasps of air, running out of breath. Her lungs are burning from exertion and Billie needs to stop and rest before she collapses. She's lightheaded from running and the fear of being attacked by a Soc. By some miracle, she hasn't been attacked by a Soc yet and she doesn't want that to change.

Scott turns right into a tiny alleyway that is littered with bags of garbage and discarded and broken belongings on the sides. Billie sees a broken bedpost with a hole in the middle of it that looked to be the size of a fist.

Scott stops at the end of the alleyway and leans up against the grimy brick wall, taking in deep breaths. Billie does the same thing, her legs resembled jelly as she slid down onto the concrete, glad to not be running anymore.

The only sound Billie can hear is the sound of a cat rummaging around in the garbage bags. That sound brought more comfort to Billie than the sound of the car trailing them.

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