The end

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As I approached the blanket I suddenly felt warm arms wrapped around my waist. Followed by a soothing voice whispering in my ear "did you miss me?" As the arms slowly started to slide of my waist I span my self round and pulled glimmer into a kiss.

A few seconds later I pulled away letting my breath escape my mouth. I just looked at her in shock but it was a happy shock. For a while we just both stared at each-other in amazement.

After a while glimmer broke the silence by asking me something Iv waited for her to say for months. "A-Adora ... w-w-will you b-be my girlf-friend?"

Instantly I ran up to her giving her a massive her shouted yes. Ever since then Iv been so happy the happiest Iv ever been probably and we lived a happy and long life.

The end.

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