"Bye" | 7

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Flumping onto the dusty bus seat, I waved playfully to Jimin behind the misty window. Shining, he waved eagerly and grinned. I really liked him now and I was not disappointed to admit that. The vehicle started to gradually accelerate as the engines roared and loud chats from other passengers commenced. With one last heart sign, I perceived Jimin walking away towards the opposite direction.

"Smokestack Lane." The robotic female voice announced muffled as we were heading to the main factory of the city.

I departed the unruly bus before detecting the usual noxious fumes, sighing. Whilst coughing a few times, I felt several vibrations coming from my jacket pocket. Quickly, I fetched my phone and noticed that I received persistent messages from Jimin.

"Are you home?"

"Please talk to me, I'm bored."

"We should kiss more often ;)"

Wow, this guy... I giggled shyly and replied back to him, hoping he was still online:

"I agree. And no, I'm not home but I can still text you."

And with that, Jimin and I texted for the rest of my journey. I learnt more facts about him; we started becoming personal with eachother. Jimin probably knew more about me than Riana, and that was quite strange. For some texts, I laughed like a freak in public, peeving other strangers. Gosh, Y/N, even with a cheery genuine laugh, no one would be pleased...

Once I was nearing my house, I swiftly hid my phone in my pocket. The chipped door stood in front of me like a sad pile of wood. I obtained my key and unlocked the door. Everything was silent; no one was here. Their shoes on the shoe-rack disappeared whilst I checked that all of the dishes were cleaned. With a sigh of relief, I slumped myself onto the saggy sofa, wanting to continue chatting with Jimin.

The boy already sent 12 messages - he must've needed a lot of attention. How cute. "Y/N?!" "HELLO?" "JIMINIE IS WAITING!" were some examples of his needy messages. They were so adorable! I replied back, lightly smirking. It caused him to stop typing in CAPS. Heh.

"My family ain't here, phew." I responded before I saw Jimin was typing again.

"Good. I'm in my room whilst my brother is next to me, he's asking why i'm smiling." I rolled my eyes at the message, telling him to shoo his brother away afterwards.

"No! Idm risking it all." I imagined Jimin chuckling wildly over the phone.

"This bitc-" I stopped mumbling to myself since heavy footsteps were coming from the kitchen.

Shoot. Was it Mom? Bro? Dad? Trying, I struggled to fit the mobile inside my pocket. Looking up, I saw the lanky figure of my older brother. His eyes immediately turned suspicious and concerned as I smiled with agitation at him.

"Who you texting?" He muttered, focusing on my jacket pocket, "Jimin?"

"Um..." I stammered a bit whilst scratching the side of my head, "Yes?"

Y/N, what the hell...you should've said it was Riana. Now, he would rant and educate me about the Parks all over again. Great.

"Don't worry." He solaced, causing my eyebrow to cock in confusion, "I'm not mad."

"What?" I babbled quizzically; this was peculiar, he was probably lying.

"Let me tell you why Mom, Dad and I don't want you hanging out with Jimin." He plopped himself beside me, "You should know."

For a few moments of fiddling his fingers, he decided to face me (instead of my buzzing fleece pocket). Finally, he was about to reveal what was lingering in my mind since yesterday. I exhaled, straightened my back and prepared myself to hear the reason.

"You know how the neighbours in our old house went against us?" He re-counted, gaining a shy nod from me, "Well, those neighbors were the Parks..."

Wait what?! Honestly, it all made sense now. Therefore, the boy in my toddler memory must've been...Jimin. Wait, my brother and him were childhood friends?

"WHAT?!" I cried absent-mindedly whilst my brother repeated it again, "Yeah but..."

"But what?" He clenched his tight jaw before tirading me, "Are you choosing the guy, who you only properly met yesterday, over your family?"

"I did not say that-"

"Look, we could've stayed in that nice grand house instead of this pile of crap... And the Parks ruined our lives even more. Jimin and I aren't in contact anymore. He knew why I had to leave but he's too privileged; he couldn't even talk to me in all that time I was in college. But hey, I'm excluded now." He continuously harangued, not pausing for too long.

"Yes, he's kinda privileged but so far, he's been less arrogant than I thought." I bit my lip as I avoided eye contact with him, "He doesn't like the whole point system too..."

"Why you defending him?" He questioned me whilst an apparent glower crept onto his red face, "Not only that, you might even end up in Life Isolation before me."

"I won't!" I felt dainty tears forming in my eyes before I finally raised my voice, "Jimin is not like the rest of his family. You know what? Jimin's not ignorant - you are; you're not giving the guy a chance and what you're saying is generalising. Bye."

I stood up and darted towards my bedroom before locking the door securely. With a huge huff, I flopped myself onto my bed whilst immediately checking Jimin's recent messages. Honestly, I was horrified and enraged by my brother. I had enough and just let it all out. Once I viewed Jimin's 41 messages (literally), I replied back with an "I'm back" followed by a tedious paragraph of what happened.

Whilst waiting patiently, I played mini-games on my phone. As I was occupied, a message notification from Jimin appeared on the top of the screen. Strangely, it was not like him. He would never just send "Bye" without an explanation.

What was this?

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