"You sure?" | 10

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A/N: DISCLAIMER! This chapter is not a full-on smut but only a tiny tiny bit. I wouldn't even consider it 'smutty', just a little bit heated. But I hope you enjoy it nevertheless.



"JIMIN!" I squealed to myself once his text notification appeared on my phone.

"Y/N! Focus!" Mr Kim snapped after he slightly jumped to my commotion.

"Sorry, Mr Kim. I'll catch up with the notes later; I need to go." Recklessly, I threw my notebook and pencil case into my bag.

Puzzled, other students stared at me with sloped eyebrows. Others were chuckling at Mr Kim's laughable leap.

"But-" I slammed the door shut before he could continue.

Throughout the journey, I sprinted, tasting a hint of blood at the back of my throat whilst running up the hill. I would finally see Jimin again! Even though it was a week, it felt like years. I missed him too much. I only hoped he'd miss me back. My head was going dizzy at the thought of seeing his beautiful presence again. The thought of being able to hear his velvety, smooth voice was uplifting, but what was better was the smell of his piquant cologne and his gentle touch. Ugh, Park Jimin.

I arrived at the top of the grassy hill, exactly on time. There, in the centre, was a beaming Jimin. He sat peacefully on a checkered picnic rug with a packet of cookies and two cups of hot chocolate laying beside him snuggly. Behind him was the familiar view of the city - the whole thing looked like a date. Without thinking twice, I darted towards him and embraced him immediately.

"I missed you!" My arms enveloped around him tightly.

"Aww, I thought I was the only one!" He giggled before pulling away, "But first, I want to explain why I was gone-"

"Because your brother and parents found out you were texting me? So they took away your phone and made you stop attending school?" I babbled too quickly.

"What the-" He widened his eyes, "How do you know?!"

"Just a guess....You should be more careful next time, I told you that it was risky!" I shook my finger at him playfully, Jimin gently giggling, "Also, you brought food?"

Turning my head, I noted the two cups of hot chocolate. There was a plentiful spray of whipped cream on both of them; you could only slightly see the warm brown beverage near the rim. Next to it, there was a closed monumental packet of chocolate chip cookies. What a nice difference! The last time I had cookies and hot chocolate was 8 years ago.

"Yes, I did." He nodded his head before handing me a cup, "It's lunch time and you told me that you hate eating Goop and Green Fronds everyday. So, I brought you something different."

"I haven't had these for years!" I happily took a sip of my drink, "Thank you, Jimin."

"You're welcome!" He ripped the packet open, lending me 5 cookies.

Jimin and I ate all of it, savouring every minute whilst admiring the city's skyline. Well, the destitute slums weren't that heartening. On the other hand, it was a pleasant day; the clouds formed quirky shapes whilst the cool breeze rejuvenated me. As I closed my eyes feeling the gentle wind, I sensed Jimin's head turning towards my direction.

After a few moments, I heard him let out a faint chortle. Hastily, I lifted my eyelids open.

"Yes?" I whispered, getting his attention.

"Nothing. You just look so beautiful." He gave a refreshing smile; it made me blush vigorously, "I want to ask you something."

"Go on then." I lightly grinned back.

"She's a 3..." | PARK JIMIN X READER Where stories live. Discover now