"Fine...it's fine." | 8

697 33 3

Jimin's POV

Where is she? I've sent her 41 messages, surely she must have read them! Something must've been wrong... As I huffed disappointingly, my younger brother sneakily looked over my shoulder.

"Who's that?" He questioned loudly, causing me to push my phone closer to my chest.

"Only Yoongi." I rolled my eyes at him gaining a doubtful chuckle back.

"Sure...but Yoongi never makes you smile like that." He seized the phone out of my grip, scrolling through the texts curiously.

"Ow!" I cried as I was filled with panic, "Give it back, you idiot!"

"Holy crap! You've been messaging a lower." A wicked grin was sculpted onto his face before he laughed frantically, "MOM! DAD!"

"Don't!" I moaned, my hands were trying to retrieve it back, "Hah, I got it!"

Juddering intensely twice, I received two messages from Y/N. Carefully, I read them - her brother caught her too?! What a coincidence. Whilst my brother rushed downstairs to fetch Mom and Dad, I hurriedly gave her a "Bye". Don't worry, Y/N would understand...


Once I sent the text, I was greeted by my parents leering at me by the doorway. Both of them had their arms crossed firmly whilst shooting me dirty looks.

"It's just Yoongi." I lied, using a sedate tone whilst trying to persuade them.

"Jimin, your face is red." My Mom stated as an irked grimace instantly crept onto her face.

"We know who you're texting." Dad threatened skeptically; his voice sent a twitch through my spine.

"Don't worry." I encouraged weakly whilst my eyes were glued onto the black phone screen.

Oh no no no. Now, I did mind risking it all. Knowing how strict my parents were, they would probably remove all the communication that I had with her. Even worse, they could find a way for us to never meet again. That was how stealthy and clever they were! Then, they would track Y/N down; then, they would try and send her to Life Isolation. I should've texted her elsewhere in this vast penthouse - Jimin, you weren't so smart...

"You look intimidated, son." Dad cocked his eyebrow as both of them tramped closer to me.

"No, I don't-"

"Yes, he is! Cause he knows he's in trouble." My brother unexpectedly chimed in, "He's been texting this 3.4 girl called Y/N. Pretty lovey-dovey texts."

"Shut up." I whispered to him aggressively.

Oddly, both of my parents gasped. Then, they briskly glanced at eachother. Did they know her?

"Oh, her..." Mom bellowed; her eyes were darkly emotionless, "We know her, Jimin."

"Ugh, it's the old neighbours!" Dad scoffed, already obtaining his phone to review her, followed by the other two.

"That peasant girl is a 2.1 now." My brother clapped his hands in wry amusement.

"Give the phone." Mom demanded whilst her hand was held out, "NOW, Jimin."

I stared at her dry manicured fingers stretching out from her small palm. Not long after, I broke the stare and my eyes travelled to her assertive face, the authority radiating off her. Her eyes were still dark - unfriendly, uncanny and insistent. Behind her, Dad glared at me, evidently viewing me as a complete downcast. I gulped but I managed to hold it together. Beside him was my brother; he was trying hard to hold his laughter back. His hand sat outside his mouth whilst his eyes squinted, exhilarated to find out what would happen next. I would give him what he wanted.

"No." I responded back flippantly, pursing my lips.

"What did you say?" Dad hissed whilst I heard my brother snigger cheerfully.

"You didn't hear me? I said 'no'." Hiding my phone behind my back, I simpered at them.

"Park Jimin! In this instance, hand over the goddamn phone!" Mom clutched onto my sleeve forcibly, reaching her hands out to confiscate it.

"No!" I repeated, attempting to get her off my shirt, "You just don't like her cause she's a lower. You would like her if she was a higher though!"

"Jimin, stop this." Dad ordered whilst he prowled behind me; I felt a painful snatch of my phone leaving my grasp.

"You're not getting your phone for a few months and we are transferring you to a new college." Mom stated as she finally released her tight clasp, "We don't care that you're already settled in, nor Yoongi and Hoseok are there. You're changing schools for good."

"Fine...it's fine." I lied again as my lips quivered; honestly, I felt lonely and desolate now.

Eventhough I only properly met Y/N yesterday, I already felt a piece of my heart shatter. I know, quite corny but I really liked her. Pff... like she'd feel the same... And without Yoongi and Hoseok too, my life would be more miserable from now on. If I could've texted her elsewehere, it wouldn't end up like this. JIMIN, YOU STUPID IDIOT, YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT! I couldn't deny that it was my fault.


I stuffed my face into my cotton pillow, groaning. He hadn't sent an explanation for an hour now! Maybe, he was being moody today - he was sometimes like that.

Suddenly I heard a belligerent knock on the door, almost deafening. Yep, that was my brother. What did he want now? I strolled steadily towards it, but my brother, being the impatient slob he was, knocked again. I wailed in irritation.

"I'M COMING!" I gradually increased my pace and unlocked the door, his face peering through it.

"What do you want-"

"I'm sorry." He blurted, quite convincingly, "I get your point now. Jimin's different from his parents and honestly, you seem fairly happy with him."

"I am." I didn't realise that I was grinning brightly, just thinking about Jimin made me do these things.

"Gosh, I guess he does..." He sighed sharply, "Eventhough I don't like him, at least you have a genuine friend."

"Friend?" I giggled after reminiscing the kiss earlier, "It's more than that."

"Oh no, another Mrs Park?!" He teased.

I nudged him in the elbow playfully.

"I was only joking!" He paused for a moment, "Or was I?!"


A/N: I just want to say...MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! 

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