Asking You Out (Morgan Only)

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(Alright, so sometimes when I write chapters like these, I like to change some stuff up, so in this one Shaun and Claire may or may not be dating)

Y/N waited at the steps for her friend's shift to end. It actually ended five minutes ago, but she had to go to her locker and everything, and Y/N was considered a patient person so she had absolutely no problem waiting.

"Hey, Dr. L/N!" Came a voice behind her.

"Hello, Dr. Browne and Dr. Murphy." Y/N greeted the two.

"Morgan's coming, but she's in a bad mood." Claire said.

"Even more than usual." Shaun added clutching his backpack.

"She got in a quarrel with Dr. Park. I couldn't tell what they were arguing about though." Claire said. "Just a heads up. Come on, Shaun. Good night, Dr. L/N."

"Good night, you two! Have fun." Y/N called, as Claire sent her a death glare.

Y/N then heard the familiar sound of Morgan's heels. Morgan walked past her as she descended down the stairs.

Y/N had to speed walk to catch up with her. "Morgan! Hey! How's was your shift?" Y/N then squeaked and shut up after Morgan glared at her with ice in her blue eyes.

Yeah, Y/N has known Morgan and been her friend since they were small, so she was used to Morgan acting like this.

They then walked out to the parking lot to their black Range Rover. Morgan angrily tossed her purse into the backseat while Y/N clutched onto her side bag in the passenger seat.

The ride was silent until they got to a red light. "Are you okay?" Y/N timidly asked.

"Do I look okay?!" Morgan nearly shouted as Y/N flinched. She sighed. "Look, I'm sorry. It's just fucking Park!" She hit her fist on the steering wheel.

"What'd he say?"

"Don't worry about it."

The rest of the ride was silent. The two got to their house and went into their respective bedrooms.

Y/N changed into her pajamas (fluffy lion king pajama bottoms with a white tank top, might I add😏) and did some paperwork before going to bed.

Y/N then woke up at 3'o clock and heard sobs from Morgan's room.

Y/N then walked into her room and gently sat on her bed. "Is it what Park said?" Y/N asked placing her hand onto Morgan's thigh.

Morgan didn't answer, she only sobbed harder into the pillow. "Maybe if you told me what he said, you'd feel better."

"He-He called m-me a bitch, and he s-said that I w-would never e-experience love." Morgan sobbed.

"That's a lie," Y/N said. "Maybe if I took you on a date you'll see why it's a lie."

The blonde looked up from her pillow. "You wouldn't."

"But I would." Y/N smiled. "I'd love to take you on a date! You're pretty and charming, Park's just a asshat."

Morgan giggled. Y/N barely ever swore so when she does, it's hilarious.

"There's a reason he failed at marriage." Y/N stated. "So, what do say? Tomorrow after our shifts?"

"It's a date."

(I'm sorry for this piece of crap. Morgan was so out of character but hey I'm not in the writers room for tgd)

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