First Kiss

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dr.shaun murphy
•this kiss took forever
•you weren't sure when to kiss him
•or how he would react
•so you decided to kiss him before his shift
•you had to stand on your tippy toes
•damn he had soft lips
•boy was he shook
•didn't kiss back though
•you thought you fucked up
• but he licked his lips afterwards
• "that felt...nice"

dr. claire browne
•you two were cuddling on the couch
•she looked up at you and...
•she looked so cute omg
•so you kissed her
•she kissed back and you were on cloud nine-hundred and ninety-nine

dr.jared kalu
•you kissed him after the third date
•you know, after you decided to stand on a chair
•may or may not have turned into a mini-make out session

dr. neil melendez
•so yeah
•on your first date
•you know, after your food fight
•he kissed you all through that pasta sauce
•you kissed back and boyyyyy
•*cough cough* may or may not have did the deed
• "you're amazing"

dr. morgan reznick
•im going to make a separate chapter for this one

dr.alex park
•he kissed you
•you two were bickering about something stupid
•like an "old married couple"
—neil melendez 2018
•you were reprimanding him and he slammed his lips onto yours
•then shit got a bit heated
•if you know what i mean

lea dilallo
•okay so
•you were both super drunk from your 274636632th date
•she clumsily slammed her lips onto yours
•and you kissed back while feeling her up
•even though she threw up on your shoes afterwards
•still love her💓

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