Chapter 31

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'Dear Diary,

I am sorry that I have not written in such a long time now but I have been busy with other.. things. I am getting so much closer to having my brothers back at my side. I will be entering the high school that Stefan attends as does the new Bennett witch, Bonnie. I realize that you have not heard from me since I changed. I have adjusted well to this life.

Tonight scared me though. Damon may have seen me feed. I hope to the lord that he will not recognize me if he sees my face. Although I know that the lord owes me know favors. I know that I have been damned but deep in my soul, I don't necessarily believe that. Every time that thought occurs to me, my mind goes back to the night I changed. To the scene with my mother in the strange realm. Her kind words as she said that both I and my brothers would join her when our time comes. But how can we join her if we kill? The whole concept confuses me. Anyway I must get going to sleep. I have school in the morn. Wish me luck my one true friend.'

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I woke up early in the morning to the sound of the alarm blaring in my ears. I was not ready to wake up. I went to slam the snooze button until I felt a sharp snap and crash under my hit. I shot up in bed to see my alarm clock smashed to bits and my night stand cracked. Well, damn. I sighed and reluctantly got up.

Once I was dressed, which took a while since I had no idea what to wear to school but ended up with my normal wear, I grabbed one of my bags that I had and went to my truck. Just as I was about to start the car, I realized it may be a good idea if I put sunglasses on. If I suddenly felt the need to compel someone then it would be less noticeable.

After I got my glasses, I drove down to Mystic Falls High School, I knew where it was thanks to Caroline. I saw her in the front of the school waiting for me. ''Oh my god! You came!'' She squealed when she saw me.

I shut my car door and walked over to her. She apparently couldn't wait for me to walk a few feet because she ran up to my car and grabbed me in her arms. ''Hi, I told you I was.'' I laughed at her.

She laughed too. ''I know but I just didn't know! Okay well lets get you everything. Do you have your paperwork? I'll come with you to help you get your schedule.''

''Uh, well, why don't I go get it then you can meet me somewhere?'' I had no paperwork so I would have to compel the attendant.

''Don't be silly! I wanna help you out!''

I took my sunglasses off and starred at Caroline ''Go and find your friends, and I will meet you at your locker.''

After a second she snapped out of it. ''Hey why don't I just go and find people so you can meet everyone? You can just meet me at my locker? Can you find it?''

I nodded. ''Yes I think I can manage.'' She smiled brightly at me before turning and walking towards the school. I sighed and shook my head. Then a thought dawned on me. I was one of the prettiest women of my time. I had men lining up on my doorstep to be my husband and I was only 16. I could rock this school. I put my bag on and strutted towards the doors, feeling everyones eyes on me. I expanded my hearing just to be curious.

''Whoa, who's the babe?''

''Who is that? Is she new?''

''What are the odds of having two hot new kids in one year!''

I smiled to myself and marched threw the doors.The office just inside the first hall. I walked in to find one woman typing at her desk. ''Hello Miss, what can I do for you?'' She asked politely.

''I'm new here and I just needed a schedule.''

She gave me a confused and slightly irritated look. ''Well we need a little more than that! I'm gonna need some paperwork from old schools, parent notifications, medical records.''

I took my glasses off. ''My name is Emma Monroe. I am 16 so I will be a Junior this year. If you check again, everything that you need will be there. I would like my schedule.''

Her face went blank as my words settled in. She glanced back down at her papers and her computer. ''Oh of course! How silly of me. I do have everything I need right here. Now I don't have a schedule for you but I can type one up for you right now and notify your teachers. If you could just look through here and pick out the courses you would like to take that would be great.'' She shoved a piece of paper at me while she began rapidly typing on the computer. I cleared my throat and she glanced up. ''Yes dear?''

''May I have Stefan Salvatore's schedule also?''

She exhaled. ''Oh well we don't give out other students schedule's to-''

''Give me Stefan's schedule.'' I compelled again.

She nodded and after a moment of typing, she printed a paper. ''Here you go, hun.''

I glanced over it. ''I would like history and math in the same period as he does and I would like to take the art class and the music class. You can just work whatever else into that schedule.''

She nodded and went back to typing.After I had my schedule, I went looking for Caroline. ''Oh there you are!'' I heard her as soon as I found her. ''So let me see your schedule.'' She yanked my paper off my book. ''Yes! We have Spanish and Science together. Awesome. And it looks like you have History with Elena. I'll have to talk to her about helping you. Oh wait! She's over by Stefan's locker. We can go talk to them now.''

Caroline started to pull me in one direction but I wanted to run the other. I didn't know if I was ready to talk to Stefan. He wouldn't recognize me. I would have to stand by my brother and talk to him without him knowing anything. Caroline was still pulling me when we got there. ''Elena! I want you to meet our new student. This is Emma Monroe.'' Caroline stated.

I looked up at the dark haired, olive skin toned girl that I hated. The one face that made me murderous with rage. The person that had gotten us into this mess. Before me stood Katherine with Stefan by her side.

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