Chapter 33

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I put a fake look of surprise on my face. ''Stefan? What's up?'' 

He smiled without happiness. ''I was just wondering if I could talk to you for a minute.'' 

I acted like I had to think about it. ''Actually I have to get back-''  

''Please come with me.'' He looked me in the eyes, holding my gaze as his pupils shifted back and forth. He was trying to compel me. It wouldn't work of course but I was supposed to be a human. 

''Okay where do you wanna go?''  He gestured with his head towards the woods. Oh great I think he's gonna try and kill me! This is not good. I let him go first to lead the way. Once we were deep enough in the woods he turned. I acted as if I was shy, ''So what did you want to talk about?'' 

He put his head down for a second only to bring it back up revealing his true face. I gasp as if i didn't know. He lunged for me and ran me to the ground. His hand went to my throat. ''Who are you?'' He growled. ''What do you want with Elena?'' 

Now I growled. I kicked him in the stomach and rolled so I was on top. My knee was pushed to his chest and I put my hand on his shoulder to keep him from moving. I felt my teeth coming to a point under my lips. ''I don't want anything with her! I made a mistake, so sue me.'' 

''How do you know Katherine?'' He asked roughly. 

I groaned. I wanted to tell him so bad. This was the moment that I had hoped for. Him alone and I could tell him everything. But I knew I couldn't. He would never believe me. He couldn't. ''I can't tell you! But I can say that I don't like her. And I was very happy when she died.'' 

He shook his head. ''How can I trust you?'' His voice full of skepticism. 

I sighed and got off of him. ''Does that help?'' We both stood up and brushed off the dirt that clung to us. 

''Who are you?'' He asked again. 

''Emma.'' I simply said. 

''But who are you?'' He asked again. 

''I told you, I can't say.'' I took my hand and brushed it against his cheek. This is the first time I had touched him in 150 years. He glanced down at my hand curiously. ''You really don't remember anything do you?'' The words came out before I could stop them. 

''Remember what?''  

I sighed. ''Nothing. I just hoped that if you saw me that you could.'' But I knew it wouldn't be that easy. He starred at me incredulously.  ''I promise you that I'm not here to harm you or anyone you care about. I'm on your side Stefan.'' 

I touched his face one last time before I darted back towards the school. Just short of the end of the woods, I slowed down to a human pace. I ran to my truck and drove. I drove past the school and the whole way back to my camper glancing over my shoulder the whole way.

At 5:30 I decided to go since it would take a while for me to get to Caroline's. After a long drive, I arrived at her house. I blared the horn and she came running out. The second she opened the door she was talking. 

''Oh my god this is going to be so much fun! We get to meet up with everyone then were gonna go to the comet watch then gonna go to the grill and then....'' She continued planing out the nights events. I sort of zoned out after a while, I didn't have to pitch in because she just wouldn't shut up. 

Instead I thought about my brothers I had never been this close to getting them back. It was the first time I had ever really talked to one of them let alone touch them and show them that I was a vampire. Stefan was never going to let this go, I would have to find a way to tell him and Damon. But how? I couldn't just walk up to them, tell them I'm there sister and they accept me into their life. There was going to be a lot of explaining.  

What hurt me the most is that I knew that no matter how much I explained, begged, and told every ounce of the truth, they still wouldn't believe me. They couldn't. So even if they believed my story, they still wouldn't remember all of the times we had as children.  Running through the tall grass. playing in the mud when father wasn't looking then rushing to get me clean before he saw. The memories flooded back to me so fast that I was dizzy. 

I reached up to my cheek to wipe away a tear that had escaped from my eye.  Caroline was still talking when we stopped. "Okay. We're here!" She sing-songed. 

"Great." I mumbled, speaking for the first time for the whole car ride. I opened my door and followed her to the large gathering of people.

**Hey i'm soooo sorry this took so long to upload but my computer spazzed and the monitor wouldn't turn on and it was just a big mess. I had to get a new one and yeah. Anywho I am thrilled about how many people are responding to my story!!! I love you all and keep spreading the word!!! <3

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