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I wanna scream- somethings wrong.  Well let's be honest what's not?..  I have so many questions.. like, Why am i not stable without you.. Why am i not like everyone else.... Why do i have to be the odd one out ... I feel like im that one person out of 100 that just can't control my emotions...- But you can. Why doesn't that make since to me... Why can't i at least smile normally like a person instead of faking them until i see you again... How's that fair-? It's hard to live in this world without someone saying your lying. Think about it, how many people say this just for the hell of it? Too many. Depression is not a joke, yet for some reason- I'm the one who is the "lier" in this situation... No, fuck that. I'm sick of pretending to be alright, I'm sick of people treating me differently, I'm sick of modern "jokes", I'm tired of faking a smile for everyone around me, I'm tired of forcing a laugh, I'm tired of society itself, And i am damn tired of listening to people say that they have problems that are "more important." I am so sick of it. And enough is enough, i'm not doing it anymore. I. Can't. Do. It. Anymore. I'm not going to sit and smile so everyone feels okay. I'm messed up. I'm damaged. I'm Depressed. And that is just how life goes.

Poems, short stories, poetic thoughs, and slam poetryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora