Day 1: 12/20/18

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I need people. I need friends. I don't want to feel like this every single day of my life. This isn't life. I don't want to argue everyday. I don't want to stay at home and feel like I have barely anyone who cares. I have one person who cares but sometimes we fight and I need a friend for even moments like that and more. I never thought I'd see the day where I say I have no close friends. Friends were what i considered family but some of them bailed or just stabbed me in the back. I have about no one. I don't have a loving and caring family. I don't have much in life. I try hard , so hard to do good in life so I can have a great future, but my own parents don't give a damn all because they think I'm a bad kid because they claim I'm rebelling. Please help me. I don't want to feel this way anymore. It's so draining to feel so done and worn out. I go days without showering. I go weeks without cleaning my room because it's so pointless to me because I'm so sad. I just don't want to feel like this anymore. I'm so tired. I can't save myself.

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