2: Catching up ⚠️

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You jump to your feet, taking a few steps back. You couldn't believe your friend was a vampire, literally. Missi dropped her cane, her jaw dropped as the room went silent. "I-I-" You stuttered, trying to figure out what to say. Missi's expression quickly changed into complete joy. "Oh my god, it's been so long! I've missed you!" She ran over, arms wide open but you quickly rejected her. "No, no, get away from me!" You were in shock, you refused to believe your friend was alive, let alone a vampire. Missi's expression turned heartbroken. "Wh-What?"

"You're not Missi, Missi has been missing, and she is not a vampire!" You took cautious steps back, but Missi kept taking steps towards you after she lifted her cane from the ground. "But it is me! You should recognize your best friend!" She did look and sound exactly like Missi, aside from the pale skin, purple hair and pointed ears. "No no no, there's no way you're Missi. This is just a bad dream, that's all, I'll close my eyes and you'll go away!" Missi leaned on the cane, propping her head up with one arm. "Go on then, make me vanish."

You quickly shut your eyes, taking a few deep breaths, concentrating on waking up. You shot your eyes back open to find Missi still in the same position. "Well? I'm waiting." She smirked at you and you groan in frustration, closing your eyes and repeating the process. You open your eyes again to find...nothing. Missi was gone from your sight. You let out a sigh of relief, wiping your forehead. Now to find a way out.

"Boo!" You let out a shriek as Missi snuck up behind you and spooked you. Missi laughed out loud, wiping a tear. "Oh goodness your face!" You weren't very happy, to say the least. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" You shouted at her and Missi's laughter faded out. "Oh man, I haven't seen you that spooked since the haunted house!" You blankly stared at her. "But that was in..." Missi interrupted. "Freshman year, Halloween." You blinked, a bewildered look on your face. "How do you know that?"

"Because we went there together! Don't you remember?" You definitely remembered that night, sticking by your friend's side and going through all those scares. "I do remember." Missi leaned against her cane, propping her head up with one arm. "Go on, ask me more things if you still don't believe me." You thought for a while. There was a lot you and Missi did together. Ever since you first met. "How did we first meet?" You asked her as she smiled a bit. "Junior high, sixth grade." She was right. You still couldn't believe what was happening, so you quizzed her again. "My first boyfriend?"

"Peter Connors, sophomore year. Then the asshole cheated on you with Stacy." She was exactly right. You stood there in silence. Your best friend you thought was dead, was alive, well, not really. But a vampire? What are the odds? How did she end up like this? Why did she never come home? A bunch of who's, what's, when's and why's were flying through your head.

"(Y/n)?" You jumped as Missi spoke, getting you out of your trance. "You alright there?" You stared at Missi for a minute, then rushing to give her a hug. She jumped, taken aback by the sudden movement, but decided to return the hug. "It's really you!" You squeal with joy as Missi smiles a bit. "Good to see you again, too." The two of you held onto the hug for a few good minutes. Missi rested her chin onto your shoulder, then moved her face into your shoulder to inhale. Missi let out a sigh as she took in your scent, like she missed you, but maybe she has darker intentions...

Missi snapped out of her train of thought as you broke the hug, reaching over to pick up her cane she dropped. "I-I have so many questions." You said to Missi as she put her arm around your shoulder. "C'mon then, let's go sit down and catch up."


Missi brought you into what looked like a study, with walls full of bookshelves and a fireplace in the far end, two chairs sitting in front. Your jaw almost dropped at the amount of books in the room and the dark gothic atmosphere. "Whoa..." Missi nodded. "Nice isn't it?" She gestured to one of the chairs and you took a seat. "Can I get you something? A drink? A snack?" You relax in the chair. "Something to drink, do you have any tea?"

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