4: Bonding

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//A lot of songs in this one, so keep an eye out!

You haven't gotten much sleep, it's been close to a week since you last saw Missi, for the first time in years. Every time you fell asleep, a nightmare would occur, waking you and making you afraid to go back to sleep. You laid awake in your bed, rubbing your head after another restless night.

You keep hearing voices in your dreams, beckoning you to go back. "Return to her." They said. "She's waiting, the night is calling you." They kept speaking to you, beckoning you to return to Missi. You were fighting the urge, what if she has more sinister intentions? Or does she really miss you? Over time, the calls were becoming tempting to you, the desire to go visit going stronger, until one night, you gave in.

9:00 pm

The night is still young, you packed up your backpack and grabbed your phone, ready to head out the door. You walk along the path, going the same direction you went before, eventually reaching the mansion. You stared at it for a minute before approaching. As much as it was tempting to see her again, there was that feeling in your gut that something dark was hiding under Missi's intentions. You take a deep breath and knock on the door.

Minose was watching you through the window as you approached and knocked, scurrying to Missi, where she was reading in the lounge, sitting on a chair. "Mistress, (y/n) has come back." Missi looked up from her book, a smirk on her face. "Let her inside."

The door creaked open, Minose appearing at your feet. "(Y/n), welcome back." You reach over, scratching his head. "Hey again, Minose." He let out a purr as you scratched him. He walked inside, gesturing you to follow. You follow behind him, closing the door behind you. The hallway was dark, only moonlight from the windows illuminated the room. You carefully walk down the hall, Minose at your feet.

"So where's Missi?" You glance down at him. "She should be out momentarily." He spoke as you felt a cold feeling rush down your back, making you shudder and stop in your tracks. You looked down to see Minose was gone. You knew she was coming. All of the torches in the room lighted off one by one, illuminating the room.

"Welcome back, (y/n)." You heard Missi's voice from above, looking up to see her on the balcony above you, leaning above the railing with her cane along her back and a sly smile on her face. You stared at her, just looking at her made you feel strange now, but still made her very alluring. She disappeared in the shadows from the balcony and appeared at your side, making you jump. "Hey Missi."

"So what brings you back around?" Missi said as she leaned her elbow on her cane while looking at you. You froze. You didn't know what to say to Missi. She stared at you with piercing red eyes, and a gaze that could cut like a knife. You couldn't find words to say, but you finally spoke. "U-Uh, I just wanted to swing by and say hello, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't come visit?" You chuckle nervously, Missi could hear the tension in your voice, raising a brow and setting her posture upright.

"Well glad you came along, care for a tour of the place?" Missi twirled her cane in her hand, gesturing around the room. "Sure, that sounds great." Missi walked down the hall, waving an arm. "Alright, follow me!" You followed Missi down the long, dark spacious hallway, admiring the gothic decor. Missi stopped at a door, turning the handle to open it up, showing a massive library, a huge room filled with thousands of books. Your jaw pretty much dropped.

"Nice huh? Plenty to go around, all the great authors are in here. Feel free to look around!" Missi exclaimed, gesturing around the room. You went straight to a bookshelf, examining the books. You recognized all of the great authors, Stoker, Lovecraft, Poe, Rice, Shakespeare, Hugo, King, almost everything! You pulled a book from the shelf and examined it while you held a conversation with Missi.

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