🍀 New Beginnings 🍀

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^ If unclear what a Transmutation circle is ^
(Here's an example of one of many)

🍀🍀Midoryia's POV🍀🍀


~8 years before present~

Alchemy, a science of understanding Reconstruction and Deconstruction of matter. The Law of Conservation of Mass states nothing can be created nor destroyed. If someone wishes to obtain something, something of equal value must be lost.
That is Alchemy's Law of Equivalent Exchange, the basis of all alchemy.

"And so, what's the purpose of the outer circle in a transmutation?" Izuku's father asked, both sitting side by side, a book in front of them. Mr. Midoriya is helping with his son's studying, basics of Alchemy.

"It dictates the flow and circulation of power from the earth's crust." Izuku, answering in a chipper manner. The small dim light overhead, giving an extra glimmer in his eyes.

"Very correct my boy! Now, what about the inscriptions inside's purpose?"

"Each rune connects to a different type of energy. Letting the energy within to be used for the Alchemist's desired purpose." The middle schooler concluded, being very thorough with his answer.
Remembering each word he wrote down in his notes.

The small green haired boy always loved alchemy. He thought it was the coolest and most interesting thing in the world. Constantly taking notes, observing passerby alchemists, and even asking a few questions; if his anxiety allowed it. His biggest inspiration being The All Might State Alchemist. His power was unlike any other, maybe even defying the laws of alchemy at times.

Izu is training and studying to become said State Alchemist. A powerful alchemist who works for the military, at the ranks of a major. If you wanted to be an alchemist, you wanted to be a State Alchemist.

"Gosh, how did I get such a smart and amazing son?"
His father asked, placing a hand on top his son's head, ruffling his already messy hair. Laughter erupted in the small office room. Shelves of books along the walls, most being about alchemy. He takes his hand away, still chuckling. Looking over at the near by window, the sun had already gone and set, the stars starting to twinkle.

Just as his dad opens his mouth, the door creaks open. Izuku's Mother peaks her head thought, her hair slightly messy. "Dinner is just about ready. Katsuki and his mother will be dropping by for a visit soon as well."

Just the mention of Izuku's best friend made him giddy. "Well I think that's enough studying for today anyways," his father placing his palms on his thighs, slowly standing up. "Go get ready for your friend, Izu"

Almost on cue, Izuku jumped up, rushing to his room. Slightly tidying up, already wearing semi-presentable clothes. Once he was finished, he went over to assist his mother with the table. Placing plates and napkins down on the wood top, awaiting to be used.

A slight knock came from the front of the house. Already knowing who was there, he rushed over, swinging the door open. Greeted with two blondes, one clearly shorter than the other. Kacchan and his mother.


💥💥Bakugou's POV💥💥

~7  1/2 years before present~

Katsuki had been staring off into space for almost an hour. The ball of his palm placed on his cheek, squishing it slightly upward. He was suppose to be taking notes in class, but how could he? His mind was going left and right; doing flips in his head.

Deku's father had passed away from a illness, currently unknown. It was speculated he had it for a while, but hid it well enough for no one to know.

Katsuki was close to the man. With his dad not in his life, and his mother in Rush Valley most of the time, a few towns over. He was normally at Deku's House, with his father doing house work, while his mother worked at their bakery. He became a father figure for the blonde.

Obviously Deku isn't taking it well either, far far worse than Bakugou. He could tell the runt was depressed, always looking towards the ground, quiet, constantly wearing long sleeves even in hot weather. Katsuki is well aware.

The dismissal bell boomed though the classroom, followed by loud commotion of the students rushing to escape their hell. he was still staring out to the window, when a tap on his shoulder shook him out of his trace . "Hey, you alright? The bell rang to leave." The culprit for snapping him out of it, was a black haired kid, hair shoulder length. A small,barely visible scar just above his red piercing eyes. 

"Yes i'm fine, now leave me alone Hair for Brains." Bakugou's remark, its normal harsh tone, giving the other boy shivers down his spine. The rude blonde stood up, making it clear he was aggravated.

With a bow, the mystery boy managed to make eye contact. Red staring back at red, two of the same, with subtle differences. "My bad dude," he says as he stands straight up again, a wide toothy smile present. "Names' Kirishima, Kirishima Eijirou." The now named, Shit Head, stated. "And you are?"

"Someone whos gonna kill you if you don't leave in about 2.5 seconds, thats who." Katsuki stood up, realizing they were alone in the classroom, he gathered his few things, and began to walk out.

"H-hey, wait up!" Hair-for-brains shouted, running over to the blonde's side though the halls.

"Oi' nerd," Katsuki suddenly stated, "You busy later or what?" At the corner of his eye he saw the black head visibly flinch slightly, as if his question startled the boy. Wouldn't blame him, though being in the same class, they just met, but this was for Deku, and Deku alone. Katsuki doesn't need friends to become a State Alchemist. 

'Maybe if I brought this nerd over, it'd snap Deku out of his depressed state? They're friends right?' Bakugou thought, a plan now forming in his head, it's annoying having a mopey piece of shit around the house. Especially if said mopey piece of shit is the only one you talk to.

"Uh, no? Why do you ask?"

"You know that green haired loser right?"


Word Count : 1028

!! A A A A !!

Hope y'all stick around for the ride!

Everything is still in progress,
So updates will most likely be very slow

~December 28, 2018~

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