Chapter 22: Pancakes!

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Right about here I was expecting to feel my normal ego boosting spark; I didn't. I actually felt like a total jackass. 'What the hell...' I sighed as I sat on the top of table. She was finishing putting her things away.

"You've wanted to kiss me, since I almost did back in my room a few days ago, right?" I asked.
She flashed me a look.


"Well, what's wrong then?" What a stupid question. 'Wouldn't I feel stressed out if I was so use to one thing and then all of sudden my thoughts changed?' Oh my god, why was I caring about this so much?

"You're the type that probably has girls going crazy over you. Guys too I'm sure. Where's I'm the shy type who has only had sex with one guy and it turned out to be really crappy too. Well at least I think it was... if sex is like that then I'd rather not have it." She was swinging her hands everywhere. I watched as she slid the last thing in her back pack, threw it on her back and cleared her throat. "Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow?"

Will you stop for two seconds?" I asked as I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to me. "If you're really that scared to kiss me, then we won't do it anymore k?"

"Ok... but you want to." She said as she looked up to me.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Yeah, I do. But now that I see you really are uncomfortable, that makes me feel so weird." I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair and rubbed my head. She bit her lip and leaned into me.
I leaned back slightly, only to have her come closer, kissing me lightly on the lips then backing away with a slight blush. I closed my eyes for a moment as I felt the electricity like feeling go through me.
I opened my eyes when I heard her laugh. "When you kissed me, don't laugh at this please, but when you did... I felt really weird, but right? I don't know you probably don't want to hear this and only want some ass." Ouch...

"Hm..." Was all I could seem to say at this time. I sighed as watched her face drop. "Stop." I said as I pulled her back when she moved away. "Why are you acting so weird?"

"I already told you... this is new for me." She said as she furrowed her brows. I grabbed her hands and felt them to be just as tense as her mood was.

"It's not like I'm asking you out though." I laughed at that. 'Hm...'

"Yeah, I know that. But you don't understand... look I have to go, I'll see you at their karate lesson I guess."

"Can I text you?" I asked as I followed her into the house. She ran a hand through her hair as she looked at the ground

"Yeah sure... Give me your phone." I handed over my cell phone and smiled as I watched her enter the number.
Before I could say anything she ordered Noel to put his shoes on and out the door they went. I walked over and watched as she drove away. I sighed as I leaned up against the wall, staring at my converses.

—— Few minutes after—-

"Dean?" I heard Jade's young voice. I looked over to him.

"What's up kid?" I asked as I walked over to him and wrapped an arm over his shoulders, walking into the kitchen.

"Why are you crying?" 'Crying...?' I moved my fingers on my cheeks and felt... tears? I ran into the bathroom and groaned as I noticed I really was crying. Jade walked in the bathroom with me. "Are you hurt?" I laughed as I looked down at him. His blonde hair was going in every direction as gave me a hug. "Can I put a Band-Aid on it?"

"I'm not hurt, bud. I'm just being emotional.
Do you want me to make you something to eat? Or are you still full from dinner?" I leaned back and saw his cheerful smile.

"Yeah! Can I have some pancakes?" 'Pancakes...' I laughed to myself as we walked back to the kitchen to make him his pancakes.

A/N: Please leave some comment and review, or suggestions.. Thanks

She's My Girlfriend!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon