Chapter 26: Can I Kiss You Again?

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"Jedean... really, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, we still have another hour or so to kill." I felt a swift kick to my stomach for some reason.

Did she not want me to be there or something? I sighed as I tried not to say anything, just sitting there.

A few minutes passed though when she stood up. She walked over to me and offered me her hand. "Come on, walk with me?"

"A walk?" I questioned back as I grabbed her hand, a warm feeling shooting through me as she pulled me out of my seat quickly and walking in the opposite direction of the 'dojo'.

She walked around the building frame and headed to what seemed to be a trail? She hopped over the small fence like...fence and offered me help. I rolled my eyes as I jumped over it myself.

"I like going for walks, you know? To clear my mind." She was still being very vague. It was starting to really bug me.

"Are you going to ever tell me what you're thinking or are you just going to have me guessing all damn afternoon?" I was slightly annoyed.

I was walking ahead for a moment till I turned around to see a stopped Jedean. "What...?"

"Can I kiss you, again?" She asked as she walked up to me. I looked around me and noticed that there was of course no one by us except tall oak trees and bushes, probably birds and such. I bit my lip as I fiddled with my coffee cup.

She wrapped her arms around my waist, holding me close as her forehead leaned against my own. I felt my breath leave my lungs.

"W-why do y-you want to...?" My voice wasn't above a whisper. I felt dizzy as I watched a smile grow on her face.

"Because, that's what I've been thinking about? You said you wanted to know, so I told you." She commented as she pushed her glasses to rest upon her head.
She looked extremely tired, yet relaxed at the same time. I leaned back so I could study her face.

"You really like doing that, don't you?"

"Doing what...?" I asked as I blinked. She was slightly taller than me, no more than an inch or two at most. Her bangs were covering a good part of her face and for some reason I couldn't even stop myself as I brushed them over. She closed her eyes for a moment.

"Studying me; you do it a lot."

"I just uh... like knowing things. And well... people don't always like sharing them so I try and figure them out. I don't know, I'm odd I know." I laughed, feeling almost too comfortable with her arms around me. She looked down at me with a look I couldn't pinpoint. "What...?"

"Can I?"

"Why are you asking...?" Did that make it sound like I wanted her to kiss me? Who am I kidding? I've wanted to kiss her since I had left her house last night...

"I don't know if you want me to?" I groaned as I rested my head on her shoulder. I felt her stiffen up as she immediately lifted my head, her arms obviously leaving my waist line, something I didn't like, but her hands gently holding my face, one hand on the back of my neck. Scratch that, I loved this twice as much. I felt my chest going up and down slowly as I tried to control my breathing.

"I want you to..." I said as I closed my eyes in anticipation of what I knew was going to happen next.
At first I felt silly, but almost died when I felt her lips on mine, just touching mine almost barely there.

Before I knew it, I dropped my cup on the floor as I wrapped my arms around her, moving my lips with hers. I felt that same feeling running through me again, as if I was being shocked, but not in a bad way? I felt my back hit a tree, not roughly though, her hands resting on my sides now.
It felt likes hours, though I knew it was only a few minutes, until I finally pulled away from her, my mouth felt tingly and my breath was rapid as I tried to get as much oxygen back into my lungs.
I leaned my head back against the bark of the tree as I opened my eyes. She was looking down at me, her chest heaving. I could feel her hands rubbing my sides gently.

I closed my eyes when she pulled on my lower lip with her teeth. Something warm was coursing through me, though I didn't know what it was. It felt familiar, but never this strong. 'Her hair is so soft...' I thought as my hands dug into hair.

She moaned into my mouth, something I never thought would make me melt. I tensed up when I felt one of her hands slide just below my shirt. "Jedean...?" She pulled back slightly and gave me an encouraging smile.

"I won't do anything to make you uncomfortable, alright?" She said in a husky voice, yet still feminine. I nodded as I felt her hands slide across the plain of my stomach. I felt my face heat up as I pulled her head back down to mine, a shocking reaction I suppose. It felt like my body was becoming hotter and hotter as her hands massaged my stomach.

I had to pull away from her lips so I could catch my breath only to lose it again when I felt her lips on my neck, placing light butterfly kisses on it. My hands slid down to her back as I held onto her.

My knees had basically failed me as she now had to hold me up against the tree.

"You alright?" She asked as she whispered in my ear. I felt a shiver shake me as I leaned my head back to look at her.
She had this interesting look on her face, though I don't believe I have ever seen it before on ... anyone's? It was a cross from lust, confusion, and just something I couldn't figure out to save my life. She must noticed it on my face as she gave me a questioning stare. "What...?"

"I'm fine, are you?"

"Yeah?" She laughed nervously. "Why wouldn't I be?" I sighed as I laid my head on her shoulder. Once again she tensed up, but relaxed as I rubbed her lower back.

"You tense up a lot. Why?"

"I don't, it's more shock then being tense."

She said as she kissed my neck again. "Do you like this?"

"Like what...?" My head was foggy at the moment, so I couldn't really think. She just laughed as she pulled back again.

"When I kiss your neck, do you like it?" I gave her a blank look.

"Who wouldn't like it?" I laughed as she rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I like it." She took a glance at her watch and groaned.

"Time to go right?" I said in a solemn voice.

"They'll be coming out any minute now. Come on..." She grabbed my hand and guided me out of the trail. When I felt her hand in mine, I actually didn't as awkward as I thought I would.
In fact... I actually liked it just as much as everything else we did together... Then I felt a blush crawl on me as I realized all of this.

We jumped back over the small fence, her not bothering to offer me help I noticed. The moment we walked around the building's corner, Noel and Jade were bouncing out of the dojo with Jam.

"Jedean! You should seen us!" Her brother cried as he ran over to us, Noel in tow as well as Jam. Jam had a disturbed look on his face as he noticed my hand was still in Jedean's; I pulled away.

"Oh yeah? Why don't you demonstrate it back at the house for mom and dad as well?" She said as she flicked his nose, he laughed.

"Are you two...?" I heard Jam start as he pointed to Jedean and myself. I looked at her and she looked at me then looked back up to Jam.

"None of your business." She said as she steered the two boys over to her car. I gave him a small smile as I followed after her.

"Can Noel spend the night, Dean? Please!? We want to play video games!" Jade asked as he hugged her and gave her those google eyes. She laughed and buckled the boys into their seats.

"We'll ask mom during dinner." She said as she shut the door. She turned around to face me and looked as if she wanted to say something, but was having a hard time finding the words for it.

"Do you want me to come over as well?" She just gave me a smirk and nodded.

"Alright, I'll meet you there."

A/N: Guys, i need inspiration.. comment, review or suggestions will do..

She's My Girlfriend!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon