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It was a windy cold afternoon in Clementine's new state. Clem had came from Georgia with her parents(Ed and Diana) to Virginia for their daughter. Back where they used to live it was very quiet and barely any kids around Clementine's age, so her parents decided that moving to a new state and trying something different would be good for Clementine.

Now Clementine, well she was pretty excited going on a plane and coming somewhere new. Clem was always a bright and happy child her parents didn't have to worry so much about her. Since they'd all just got here a few hours ago they decided they should go around the new neighborhood to get an idea of what of where they're going to live would be good enough. Also to wait until the furniture movers were done.

Ed, Diana, and Clem got in the car they rented. Clem buckled her seat belt, her parents taught her good :) her parents did also and started to drive off. They drived for a while before Clem said she was hungry. They drove to Wendy's, Clemmy got a burger and some fries. Her parents they just got some iced water.

As they were walking to the car Clem was eating some of her fries. They all got back in the car to drive around some more. They drived down a few more blocks then started driving back to the house when they got a messages the furniture movers were done. Clementine was smiling the whole ride. Bobbing her head to the beat of the music her parents played.

She suddenly saw this little park not too far from her sight. She saw at least 6 or 7 kids there. One boy had black hair and was wearing this weird mask and he had a grey vest on. The other kid had this haircut that looked like a death cat a blonde one, the other boy was wearing s jacket and had brown hair. The 2 girls well they looked like twins and they had this red orange hair and identical outfits. The other 2 she saw was a boy with this weird stringy brown hair with grey and white shorts and a white long sleeved shirt. The girl..she was blonde, she had on a dark denim vest and a violet shirt with shorts. They were playing in the sandbox, making pretty big sandcastles.

Clementine wanted to go join them all. This was her first time seeing kids around her age. She didn't even ask though, because her parents would probably refuse. When they all got home, Clementine got out and looked at her house..it was fairly big, had a garage and a big backyard. Clem though about getting a treehouse and possibly a trampoline.

She followed as her parents walked into the house. Clem was wearing light overalls with a light blue long sleeve shirt with white shoes. She took her shoes off as her parents took off their coats and she rushed up the stairs to see her new room. As she was in the big hallway looking for her room, Clem heard her dad putting things away, like dishes and her mother preparing dinner. A few second later Clementine found her room.

Clem's room was pretty cool for a 9 year old. She had green and white fairy lights the hanged all over the ceiling, a big bed with green plain covers and white flower pillows. She also had pictures of disco broccoli and many different animals.

(The legend Disco Broccli)

Clem sat down on her bed and look around her room. A few minutes later she heard a 'Ring!' from her doorbell. As soon as Clem heard the ring she scurried down the stairs hoping not to slip with her socks on.

When she got to the door she saw the boy with the weird hair and the blinders girl from earlier and the other kids..and they were with their parents? Clem thought that was beside them. The brown boy smiled at Clem and waved.

Clementine had the biggest and cutest smile on her face.

To be continued.

A/N: I would've posted this yesterday but I was tired and I fell asleep. The next part will be out sometime before Christmas. I hope you enjoyed the Introduction. Peace ✌

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