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Clementine smiled as she waved back at the boy. "Hey are your parents around?" She heard a woman say, she looked like the blonde girl that was beside her. Clem heard a voice coming behind her, it was her dad he was walking up to me. He put his hand on my shoulder and smiled at the parents that faced him. "Hello I'm Ed nice to meet you." He said holding his hand out to the woman, "Hi my name is Carrie, nice to meet you too." She said smiling. "Do you and the rest of you wanna come in so we can have a chat?" Ed politely asked. She nodded "Welcome to the neighborhood Ed and your little girl." Carrie said. "Thank you, and my names Clementine." Clem said proudly. "Well nice to meet you Clementine, love your overalls." The woman said going inside with the other five parents behind her.

"Wait dad what am I supposed to do?" Clementine said kind of afraid. "The kids talk to them, maybe you'll make some new friends" Her dad said giving her a pat on the back to wish her good luck. He walked inside and closed the door.

"So what's gonna happen now?" The brown boy spoke up. "Uhhhh I dunno do you guys wanna go to my back yard?" Clem said pointing behind her house. The boy with the dead cat hair spoke up "Yeah let's go back there guys." He said leading them into he back of the yard. When they got into the backyard there were these foldable chairs and they all grabbed one and formed a circle on the porch of the backyard.

Clem looked around at all the kids. The boy that was wearing the mask was playing with his fingers and the boy that looked like him but he had no mask was playing with a...ds. The twins were playing with each others bracelets. The boy with the dead cat hair was sitting silently along with the blonde girl. The brown boy was the only one just like sitting there...wanting to say something but he felt like he couldn't.

"So anyone wanna introduce themselves?" The brown boy said smirking. "Sure I'll go first, my names Marlon and my haircut IS cool and I have a puppy named Rosie." The blonde boy said speaking up. "Okay then, my name is Louis and I have aweeeesomeee hair and I am the best at singing." He said giving Clem a small wink. Violet rolled her eyes and sat up "My name is Violet...I don't get along with many poeple so if I come off rude I apologize." The blonde girl said smiling a little. Clem smiled at the 3 who introduced themselves and looked over at the boy with the mask, "Heyyyy you what's ya name?" The boy looked up at Clem suprised and took his mask off, "My name is James." He said quietly. Clem was a bit shocked of how he looked. "I like the mask" Clem complimented the boy. "Thanks😅" He replied smiling. Clementine nodded and looked over to the twins "Oh hey I'm Sophie and this is Minerva, we're twins" The girl said happily. "The only way you can tell the difference between the two is that Sophie has dimples and Minerva has freckles." Louis said.

"Oh I see. Also my name is Clementine, but you can call me Clem" Clem said smiling at the boy. "Pretty name" Louis said. "Yeah I agree" Sophie said smiling at Clem. "Ey Mitch get off your ds bro." Marlon said to the boy. He looked up and saw everyone staring at him and put the ds away in his back pocket. "Th-the names Mitch, I make things, and sometimes blow things up" He says stuttering. "Cool. What 'things' do you blow up?" Clem questioned. "Uh I once blowed up someone's backyard..well not the whole backyard but enough to cause some damage." He said laughing. I laughed a little too. "Pretty cool Mitch" Clem said.

It got silent again and then someone spoke up..

"I think we're all gonna become good friends with Clementine."

To be continued.

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