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Violet rolled her eyes at Louis' comment "Or so I hope." Louis added. 


Shortly after the kids arrival they had to go back home, Clementine felt glad she had some other kids to talk to around her age, but also disappointed that they had to go, too.

By the time all the neighbor's left it was time for dinner. Clem went inside and had dinner with her mom and dad. 

Throughout the meal, Clementine kept mentioning how cool all the kids were. Her parents smiled as they watched their daughter so happy.

They felt proud.

Maybe this move wasn't a bad decision after all.

She described how she liked James' mask, the twins' nice bracelets, Mitch's obsession with blowing things up (Which startled her parents a bit), Louis' positive attitude, Violet's amusing eye roll, and lastly, Marlon's attitude towards his really  bad hair.

Ed laughed at Clem's last opinion. Diana? She was surprised her daughter could say that about someone's hair.


Clementine went to her room after dinner.

"That food was sooooo good." Clementine said rubbing her stomach.

Before she had to go to bed she quietly played with her dollhouse, which was not a very normal one.

It had a dinosaur as a dad and a elephant as a mom! But she had a very unique imagination for a 9 year old.

She liked her little family though. She'd always discuss what's going on with the family with her dad over the weekends.

She loved her dad a lot.


"Clementine! It's time to get ready for bed!" Diana shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "Okay mom!" Clementine replied, putting her toys away and walking into her closet to change into her pajamas. She got her pajamas pants on, had trouble buttoning her top.

"Ma," Clementine said as she heard her mother walking up the stairs. "Yes honey?" She replied walking into her room. "I need help buttoning my shirt." She said sighing in frustration.

"It's okay, i'll help you." She walking into the closet where Clementine was, buttoning her shirt. When she finished Clem smiled, "Thanks mom, you're the best." Clementine said walking out of the closet and into her room and plopping onto her bed.

"You're welcome." She said closing the closet door, walking towards the hall putting her hand on the light switch,  ready to turn it off. 

"Goodnight Clementine." Diana said peacefully, turning off the light.

"Night mom. Love you." Clem said back yawning, closing her eyes, and falling asleep.

"Love you more, Clem." Her mother added, walking out of the room.


It was morning and music was playing from downstairs. Clementine groaned as she stretched and sat up. "Another day," she said, "Another boring morning." She added, falling back down onto her pillow.

About five minutes later Ed came storming into the room. "Clem come on wake up! We got your favorite breakfast for our favorite daughter!" Ed said smiling, shaking her as she yawned and opened her eyes, "I'm your only child, and I'll pass." Clementine said, clearing her voice.

"Come on Clementine, we have apples!" Ed begged. Clem sighed and sat up from her bed, "Fine, let's go have breakfast." She gave up, getting up and walking tiredly to the hallway.

"You gotta be faster than that slowpoke. I'll  eat all of your apples any second now." Ed teased.

"You wouldn't dare-" Clementine said grabbing him, but also missing him in the process as he zoomed his way down the hall. "Dad, this is not fair!!! I want my food!" Clementine whined power-walking down the hall.

"Then you have to be faster than just power-walking, Clem!" Ed shouted running farther down the hall.

"Dang I didn't notice the hall was so long until this morning dad." Clementine said running after him.

"It's really short." Ed replied.

"Wait what do you mean?" Clementine said looking down for a second and looking back up.

The floor was cracking.

Clem started panicking.

"Dad! DAD!!!!??!" She shouted in horror looking around.

As soon as she looked down,

The floor collapsed, she fell too.

"MOM!!! DAD!!! HELP!!!" Clementine screamed from the top of her lungs.

When she said that, it was as if everything had stopped.

She was in her bed again, sitting up breathing heavily.

Ed was beside her and other man too. 

"What..what happened?" Clementine said when she got in control of her breathing. "I think you had a nightmare sweet pea." The brown man said he had a black coat on and some jeans, a small haircut, holding her hat . She laid back down, but she didn't want to lay back down. "Hey! Give me my hat back!" Clementine demanded. "No can do kid." The man replied. Then everything went black for a few seconds..

The man that was sitting beside her on the bed pushed her down onto the bed. In that moment, Clem fell through her bed. Waking up, in her bed.

She didn't even breathe this time.

She just woke up and sat there, eyes wide.

Clementine immediately slapped herself to see if she wasn't dreaming anymore.


She slapped herself for about 2 minutes then stopped from her being already tired from waking up not being able to breathe. She looked at her clock on the nightstand beside the bed, "2:30am? I guess I am back." She realized only because  it was morning in both of her dreams. 

She got up quietly, grabbing her hat and walking down to her parent's room.

When she reached the room she opened the door gently, hoping not to wake them up. She tip toed her way through the room to her parent's bed. "Phew they're sleep." She whispered, without making a sound she climbed into her parent's bed, lying in between Ed and Diana. She closed her eyes peacefully falling asleep, hoping that she wouldn't encounter another nightmare.







To be continued.

1049 words used.

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