Chapter Two

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It's been a long time since her last visit here. Last year, she wasn't able to come home because of her busy schedule as a college student. 

She missed her family. She missed her puppy Bongbong. And mostly, she missed her long-lost boyfriend, Taewon.

They dated right after graduating from high school. She still remembered how Taewon asked her to be her prom date, and how he asked her out on that day as well.

Their relationship lasted for more than three years already, and now they were still going on. Unfortunately, their relationship got looser as the time went by, especially when Haseol decided to continue her study to London.

She tried her best to maintain a good relationship with Taewon, despite the fact that Taewon was so busy these days, to the point where they hadn't called or chatted these past few weeks.

He didn't even know that Haseol was coming to Seoul. But it's fine. She didn't tell him on purpose, because as Jin said, surprises are always the best.

So here she was. Stepping out of the Incheon Airport, and looking for a taxi while dragging a giant luggage along with her.

She couldn't wait to get home. To meet her family and Bongbong. To celebrate Christmas with them and.. to go on a date with Taewon, finally.


"I've arrived for like.. few hours ago, maybe? Sorry, i forgot to call you as soon as i got here."

She plopped herself to the bed, still listening to Seokjin's cute nag through the phone.

"I haven't called him yet. I think i'll just go to his house this evening, what do you think?"

"Okay then. Since it's Christmas already, and i don't have much time."

Suddenly, she heard a big, loud yawn from across the line. She chuckled as she imagined the guy's look while doing that.

Must be so funny.

"What time is it there again? One- ONE?!" She shouted without she even realized. "Heck, why didn't you tell me? You should go to sleep now! Let's hang up now, okay?"

"Yes, i'll call you tomorrow, when i got to your parents' house. Okay, i know. Goodnight, Jin. Have a good sleep!"

She hung up, laughing at the last sentence Jin said. He was that sleepy. He didn't even know what he was saying anymore.

Exhaling slowly, she stared at the lock screen of herself and Taewon. She missed him a lot. And she needed to see him as soon as possible.

But, what she needed now, was rest. She couldn't get enough rest on the flight, and now her the dark circles around her eyes were so ugly.

I should look beautiful if i want to see Taewon, at least.

She put away her phone, fixing her position comfortably, before she pulled the blanket up to her chin and dozed off for a short nap.


She walked slowly, securing the red scarf around her neck because it was getting colder. She looked up as soon as she got out of the train station, realizing that the snow had arrived, finally. No wonder it got colder all of a sudden.

"Good, the snow fairies did a great job." She chuckled softly after saying that, didn't expect that she still remembered Jin's story about the fairies.

Arriving at her boyfriend's place, she couldn't help but to look up nostalgically, remembering her last visit here. About two years ago, maybe? She missed this place so much.

Couldn't wait any longer, she took few steps closer to the door before knocking on it thrice. She waited patiently, hoping for Taewon to appear behind the door.

The door opened slowly, revealing a tall guy with small eyes. His lips parted as soon as he saw Haseol.

"Taewon!" She squealed, a wide smile immediately appeared on her face.

"Wow, Haseol. I thought you're not coming back to Seoul again this year."

"Surprise!" She laughed happily. "Why are you so shock? Aren't you happy to see me here?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"N-No, it's not like that." He chuckled, a nervous tone couldn't go unnoticed.

"Won't you let me in?" She asked, absentmindedly confused with Taewon not opening the door any wider, as if he was talking to a stranger.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry." He responded, opening the door wider with slow move.

She entered, taking off her shoes while leaning on her boyfriend. "Are your parents home? I-"

"Who's there, Taewon?"

A voice asked from inside of the house.

Haseol looked up, only to see a woman she didn't recognize staring at her with an annoyed gaze.

"Excuse me," she approached them fast, totally unhappy to see Haseol here.

She was about to ask when suddenly Taewon let go of Haseol's hands, making her who was leaning on him, almost fell to the ground.

"Wait, Yoohyun. Calm down."

He stopped the grumpy woman before she could come any nearer to Haseol.

"How the hell can i calm down if she's leaning on my boyfriend like that?"


"Excuse me," she interrupted, thinking that she heard wrong. "Did you just say.. your boyfriend? He's mine though."

The woman kept her glare at her for a moment, before her expression changed few seconds after. "Oh," she scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"So you are that girl in London?" She took a step forward, but Taewon blocked her again with his body.

"Don't." He said, voice deep and low. "I'll talk to her, okay? You step back."

"Wait." Haseol interrupted. "Talk about what? Who's she? Are you hiding something from me?"

The guy sighed heavily. "Haseol, listen to me-"

"Yes, he did!" The woman cut him off impatiently. "He cheated on you!"

Her face turned pale at the woman's words. She froze, mind went blank all of a sudden.

"I didn't!" Taewon shouted, fists forming on his hands.

He turned around and faced Haseol. He gritted his teeth, showing that there was anger hidden in inside of him.

"I have a reason," he spoke, voice too soft for someone energetic like him.

"So you.. cheated?" She looked up at him, felt betrayed and offended.

"I.. I can't keep doing this, Haseol." He sighed again. "You're so far from me, i don't even know what you're doing there with your so-called best friend Jin! I can't stand seeing you both being so close."

She halted, digesting his words slowly. "Is that.. the reason why you cheated on me?" She scoffed in disbelief, a tear fell down from her eyes.

"You're ridiculous, Taewon." She wiped her tear off quick.  "Just tell me that you're a coward, who doesn't even want to fight for me. Just say that you're still suck in a long distance relationship. Stop beating around the bush."

The guy was taken aback by her harsh words.

"You're scared because Jin is such a gentleman, and he's so nice to me. You're a fucking coward, Yoon Taewon. It's your fault, but you blamed it all on me."


"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" She shouted, stumbling backwards when Taewon took a step towards her.

"Don't you dare," her voice cracked, despite the fact that she tried to act strong. "Don't you dare."

She turned around, quickly got out of that suffocating house. She slammed the door hard, leaving her boyfriend speechless.

Or you could say, her ex boyfriend.

Sad Christmas.

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