Chapter Three

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It was finally his turn, his month, his season. He was so happy no words could describe. He always loved winter.. and Christmas.

Setting aside his lifeless past, the name Hope actually suited him well. He chose that name from the start because someone called him that, making it sounded so special in his ears. Since he was hopeless, and he wanted to forget and change, he decided that it was a good name for him, and he took that one.


The young fairy took off from his place, flying down to the human world and was ready to share all the happiness contained in his full heart on Christmas day.

It was a shame that snow fairies weren't allowed to show up in front of human. It made people questioned their existence. How much Hope wanted to spill it all out, telling them that they were real, just like Santa Claus. Yes, Santa Claus was real, but no one believed it anymore, except kids.

Poor Santa. Just like us.

Hope looked up, smiling as he watched the snow falling down from the sky. Slowly, slowly. He still couldn't believe that he had the ability to create snow, even after years of doing it. Snow was.. a miracle, to him. He believed that with this snow only, he could make everyone happy already.

But not today.

He was watching people walking around while sitting on a branch of a big tree when suddenly a sight of someone caught his attention.

Everyone he saw was happy so far, but not with her.

There, not too far from him, a young lady was sitting on a bench near the frozen fountain. Her beanie and scarf almost covered her face completely, but he was sure that the girl wasn't happy.


He pouted, thinking about a way to cheer the lady up. It must be weird if he sent her a sparkling snow flakes right now, even though he really wanted to try it once because he never showed anyone a sparkling snow before. It was beautiful, and he hoped someday everyone could see that.

"Should i turn into a reindeer? Will it be weird?" He asked himself, playing magic with the snow floating upon his palm. After a moment, he shook his head, saying, "No, Hope. It's in the middle of the town.. and Seoul."

He looked down again, and the girl was still there. She was swiping around the snow under her soles when she suddenly muttered out few words silently, but Hope could still catch the words because snow fairies had sharp hearing.

"I hate Christmas."

His eyes widened in surprise, staring at the lady down there. "No way girl. No one is hating Christmas."


Yoon Taewon.

The guy she loved with all her heart, the guy she trusted so much despite the fact that she had trust issues and wouldn't just give in her trust to anybody. He cheated on her, solely because he wasn't confident enough to compete with his girlfriend's best friend in London, which she thought was ridiculous because Jin hadn't even met him in real life before.

However, forgetting was hard. Her trust had been broken, and she couldn't think of anything right now. She was tired, but she didn't want to go home yet because she knew, her parents would ask about Taewon and she might cry again.

She stared blankly at her boots, swiping around the snow under her soles.

Snow fairies what, i'm not even happy today.

She heaved a sigh, didn't realize herself saying, "I hate Christmas."

How was she going to tell Jin about this? She still tried to figure it out. She needed someone, literally someone she could talk to, like.. right now.

"Hello there. Not feeling too good on this beautiful day?"

Haseol looked up, only to find a man approaching her from the distance.

This man was a beautiful view. His smile was wide and sincere, and she found it cute that his eyes were smiling along too. His black hair was messy, but it was gorgeous on him. His skin even glowed. Was it possible for someone to look this perfect?

She was awed for a second, couldn't deny the fact that this guy had somehow a bright aura around him. She forgot about her sadness for a moment. Maybe could be longer if only she didn't look away.

"I didn't mean to harm you, so don't be scared." He said, as if he could read her mind. "You may share your sorrow to if you don't mind. I don't like seeing anyone being sad on Christmas day."

She stayed silent, only looking down at her shoes.

The guy sat down beside her, keeping a safe distance between them. He looked at her, the smile hadn't disappear.

"Usually, i go to see reindeer. But ice skating on this day doesn't sound so bad too, considering that it's snowing a lot today."

Hearing his statement, she choked on her saliva. Go to see reindeer he said?

The young man chuckled at her shy personality, asking politely, "So, where should we go?"

Haseol stared at him for a second, before she scoffed and moved an inch away from him. "Why do you think i will go with you?"

The man pursed his lips, pretending to think hard. "Hmm, because you'll be happy? And you'll forget about whatever things that made you sad just now."

"Oh, so i will be happy with you?" She asked, tone full of sarcasm. "I'm sorry, i'm not going anywhere with a stranger, so i'll just-"

"Trust me. I am no harm to you, i swear." He spoke all of a sudden, totally understood about what she needed the most right now. Trust. "Now let's go, shall we? There's so many amazing things to do today, we can't miss it!"

She always had trouble trusting people, and just now, her trust was broken once again by the man she loved the most. But why did she feel like believing this man? He didn't even try to persuade her.

"Have you ever seen a reindeer?" He asked, not bothered to look at her because he knew, she already stood up and was ready to follow. The sides of his lips lifted without he even realized.

"Can i see one if i go with you?"

He stopped on his tracks, before he turned around slowly, a giggle escaped through his lips. "You can even see one now if you want, and.. if you believe."

"What do you mean?" She asked, not trying to conceal her curiosity.

His smile never disappeared. "Nevermind,"

He turned his heels, continuing his steps. Haseol looked at him in confusion. She was hesitant, but in the end, she decided to follow the mysterious guy.

Maybe i can really see a reindeer.


"Where are we going actually?"

She started to doubt her decision following this guy.

"We're almost there," was the only thing he said as a response.

She scoffed, stopping her feet from walking further. She glared at the man's back, realizing that they were actually climbing up a hill.

"Forget it, i'll just leave." She turned around, leaving. "Why would i follow a stranger like you? I don't even know your name. You're weird, and you didn't even reply to my questions properly. I can't-"

A cold hand wrapped around her wrist, preventing her from leaving. He turned her around gently, staring right into her dark brown eyes. "I'm Hope."

A smile appeared as he saw her face.

"My name's Hope, and i just want you to be happy today. It's christmas, you know?"

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