VI. Hunter, STFU

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When they got back to the dorm, a boy Thad hadn't seen before was standing outside.

The moment he saw Sebastian, he seemed to light up. "Sebastian, I'm-"

Sebastian cut him off. "You're sorry, I know."

Thad could already tell it was Hunter.

"Do you not believe me? Because I am, I am sorry."

Sebastian sighed, pulling him aside. The others went back in the dorm.

"Hunter, I know you're sorry. I believe you. But do you know how often you say that? How often you apologize to me?"

"I guess I apologize a lot."

"It's not that. You do things you need to apologize for a lot."

"What do you mean?" Hunter looked worried.

Sebastian looked down, unable to look in his eyes. "We fight too much. I- I can't handle it anymore."


"I can't handle being your boyfriend anymore."

There was a silence. An absolute silence.

"You what? You're breaking up with me?"

Sebastian didn't respond.

"Think about this, Sebastian. Think about it. Everyone fights, everyone gets mad, and you can't handle it? Well welcome to life, it sucks." Hunter's voice was loud and furious.

Sebastian backed up. "Please don't, Hunter. Not today."

"Not today? Well you chose to make the worst decision of your life today. See, there's these things called consequences, they happen when you do something. Like cause and effect. And when you're an absolute dumbass, you get consequences!"

Sebastian winced at the words.

"You need to get used to that, Sebastian. Some things aren't worth fighting over, because of the consequences. You don't want to be alone, do you? Think through the consequences, dumbass."

It was Hunter's favorite word when he was angry. He always used it.

"I'm not alone. I'm not alone, and I don't need you," Sebastian said shakily.

"Oh really? Where's dear old mother, then? And your doting father? Oh, right. They hate you."

"You're taking this too far," Sebastian said, but Hunter didn't hear him. That or he didn't care.

"They hate you, but I don't. And what, you're giving me up? The only love you have in your life?"

"I'm not alone," he repeated. "Something else loves me. It's always there for me."

"Oh really? Entertain me with what that is!  Because as far as I know, I'm the only one capable of loving such a dumbass!"

"It's why I'm breaking up with you. I don't need you. All you do is yell at me that I'm worthless."

"Really? You don't make decisions on your own anymore? Well, since we'll never speak again, I won't hold back."

"You're an idiot, an absolute dumbass. Everything you do is an awful idea, including breaking up with me. You're also a whiny bitch. I don't think I need an explanation for that. You're a terrible kisser and an awful fuck. Your family hates you, they have the right idea. You're the most screwed-up and whiniest foster child I've ever met. You're terrified easily and have the scare factor of a four year old. You can't take criticism. You cry too much. You're too fucking skinny, it's disgusting. You don't know how to stand up for yourself. You sound like a dying whale when you sing. And when you talk, for that matter. You're not even good-looking, how they let you up on that stage is a mystery to me. You're a fuck-up, Sebastian. Deal with it, because nobody will ever be as honest with you as I will. And I won't be back." Hunter turned on his heel and walked away.

Sebastian shook his head, wiping his eyes. If Hunter was right about anything, it was that he cried too much.

He felt numb; he always did.

He just had to get himself to feel again.

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