chapter six

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They were now sitting in the kitchen at the dining table, eating the food Taehyung brought and Yoongi  heated up. The younger had a glass of apple juice because he loves apple juice, and the older still got his coffee. They both sat in silence and enjoyed their meal.

After cleaning everything up, they went into the living room and sat down onto the couch. 

Taehyung had his phone in his hand and checked if there was anything new. Yoongi put his legs on Tae's lap. ,,What are you doing?" ,,Relaxing" His hyung said and leaned back. ,,Can I have your phone?" ,,Sure, but what-" Taehyung was interrupted as Suga took the phone out of his hands. ,,I'll just search for some music on Spotify." The dongsaeng nodded. 

Shortly after that statement music was heard and he gave Tae his phone back.

Just a few seconds passed, and Taehyung made out that he knows this song. First he started to just sum silently the melody. Suga didn't even notice. But after ~30 seconds later he began to sing silently.

Suga heard some silent words, so he opened his eyes and looked at Taehyung.

Tae didn't notice that Suga looked at him, he had his eyes closed and sung quietly the song.

Taehyung knew the lyrics well, he HD listened to this song several times before. He quietly sung the song almost perfect.

During the last words he opened his eyes again and noticed through the corner of his eye someone certain staring at him.

Tae immediately went red.
He slowly turned his head towards the older.

The older boy was just staring at him. He couldn't believe how angelic Taehyung voice was. It was so deep but still light. All these feelings in his voice, even when he is whisper-singing. His voice was just...


In all kinds. Speaking or singing.

,,H-hyung I-I didn't mean to..." he stuttered.

Yoongi was still deep in his thoughts, adoring Taehyung and his voice, still staring at him.

Taehyung just got redder.

,,S-Sorry for that.." He said quieter than before.

That was when Suga woke up from his trance.

,,Sorry for what? Singing?"
,,Y-yes, I'm really sorry, I know my voice is not the best-"
,, What are you talking about?" Yoongi interrupted him. ,,This was really good."
For a brief moment Taehyung looked shocked at his Hyung. ,,Do you really think so?" ,,Why would I be lying?"

And for the rest of the day, Yoongi tried to convince Taehyung to sing another songs. After like 2 hours he won and Tae sang loud with his eyes closed, feeling the lyrics.
Yoongi couldn't help but adore Taehyung's voice even more.

But it was just his thoughts.

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