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Hi kitties. This story is going to be under extreme editing. So you can say that this whole story is edited version.

Very short Story summery: Two strangers who doesn't have to do anything with each other life one day got married because their grandfather wants that and they agree and dome this marriage. For both of them this marriage is unwanted. How this relationship will work?

Author Note: Guys I am already warning you this story is not like other stories in which there is soft girl and arrogant and cold hearted man. This is totally different. In this story I haven't make the men that powerful like you think. So if you like the girl's action and boy's arrogance and many fun then please read further.


Having a amazing novel into you hand and slow breeze just touch your face and go away can't be compare to the jewels. I am satisfied what else do I need? Oh I am a fool I haven't told you about me anything. I am Nicole Miller well not that  anymore I am no Nicole Collins. What a fate I have got. I am married to Steven Collins who have got handsome face with brilliant intelligence and is born with silver..... wait no... with golden spoon. Every girl dream to be in my shoes and here I am not even interested to  be with him. He is not just rude with me but is way too much arrogant. He doesn't like me and his eyes only could define it and I am also not a big fan of him. Oh forgot him. It had already been one week of my destruction....I mean of my marriage.

I didn't know anything about Steven until my grandfather come to me with the proposal of my marriage. Like really and he told me that Steven's grandfather is his friend and he wants me to marry me to him. And after a long decision I decided to marry him. And non of the people loves me here and I know this because on the day of my marriage I had seen his mother and sister expression, they were looking at me with disgust. I am already missing my source of my life. I mean my siblings and my son Tristan.

Even through Tristan and me share the relationship of nephew and aunt but when my elder sister Amy and her husband Steffen met an plane crash and never return back then I have to become his mother and I had tried not to take my sister place but Tristan had given me that place by calling me mommy. Those words always melt me. And one more thing I am orphan but world doesn't know that and world will never know that as well

My parents, my aunt and uncle all left us when we were very young. My mother and uncle they both had died on the spot and my aunt died when she reached the hospital. There were chances of my father to live but he too also left us next morning. It is still mystery to me about my dad's death. At that time of incident, I was only five years old, My little brother Eros was one year old and my elder sister was eight years and my uncle's children Ben was  two years old and his twins daughter Catherine and Carol they both were only one month old. When my grandmother come to know about this she also left us. From then my grandfather had started to take care of us.

I heard the twisting of the door of the room and the door opened and it reviled my dear husband. He looked at me and then avert his eyes and take some files from the table and went away. How rude? I said to myself. My phone ringed and I put down the book and pick up the phone.

"Hello sis" Carol squealed and I smiled. She is the youngest and jolly among us.

"How are you and others?" I asked her

"Everyone is fine along with me." She said and I smiled and we continue to talk for good minutes then I hung up and felt I was hungry. I walk down towards the kitchen. I started to make the food when one of the maid saw me and come running towards me.

"Ma'am you could have told me. I would have made the food for you." She said and I smiled.

"No worries. Thanks by the way but I like to cook food so you go and do other works. And know one will know about this" I said and winked at her and put my dish in the bowl and started to eat it.


Going through the file which is important for the meeting but I am not at all able to focus on it. Every time I try to focus on it, her face appear along with the question why I have to marry her? She is not the girl I wanted to marry. Why I have agree to this marriage? Oh I remember my grandfather had threaten me. I sighed. I already have a girl whom I love the most and for me that Nicole is nothing but a gold digger but she doesn't look like one. In fact she looks so cute. Wait she doesn't look cute.

Steven focus on your work?

I told myself and bore myself. But my phone ringed up and I looked at the caller ID. It was written Alice. She is the love of my life. I picked it up.

"STEVEN COLLINS" She literally had roared and gritted. Has she come to know about that? No no no.

"Why are you angry babe?" I asked her so that she could be less angry.

"Don't babe me. You had promised to marry me and got married to someone else. You are a cheater and also a liar" She gritted. I sighed.  Her every word was breaking my heart.

"Babe I can explain" I said to her.

"I don't need your stupid  explanation. We broke up now. And don't you try to talk to me and goodbye Mr. Collins" She said and hung up.

I sighed and go to the dining area and I found my wife aka Nicole. She was having the meal. I check the time and it wasn't lunch time at all. she can eat anytime but this is my house and she has to follow my rules. After seeing her my anger boiled.  knowing that she is the reason for my break up. I go  towards her and when I saw her face my anger somehow reduced. But how? She was having her food like a child having her chocolate. She was looking cute. she looked at me and froze.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me

"Just checking on you." I said and was feeling awkward and decided to leave her and went to my room and take a nap

CLS#1 Arrogant Billionaire's wifeΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα