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Hello kitties.


I am feeling bored after not doing anything at home. This is not a home actually it is a mansion and here every work is done by the maids only. I just do cooking which I love the most. Then I decided to call my family. They pick it  up the phone after few rings.

"Hello. How are you sis?" Eros said and I chuckled a bit.

"I am fine champ what about you and others?" I asked back.

"Everyone is fine. It's  just everyone is missing you a lot." He said.

"I know that because I am also missing you guys like hell. And it is only one week but if feel likes hundred year but  I will try my best to visit you guys soon." I said

"Yes." He shouted. And there was silence for few seconds. "Here sis, Grandpa wants to talk to you." He added. I replies yes.

"Hello Angel" Grandpa said.

"Hello Grandpa. How are you?" I asked him excitedly. I just love him beyond the moon along with my siblings.

"I am fine as you can hear me fit and fine." I chuckled and he joined me

"I can hear you Grandpa. Fit and fine"  I said with a smile. 

"Angel I want to ask you something?" Now I was kind of scared. What was he going to ask? That was roaming in  my mind.

"Yes Grandpa." I said even through I was debating inside what it would be

"How is you relationship is going on with Steven?" That's it. It was like an atomic bomb is dropped at me. Cause even the mention of Steven doesn't sound good to my years. He is just rude and arrogant or maybe more. I literally don't want to talk about that idiot person who is my husband.

"Relationship with him is not good at all and I think it will never be cause we are not at speaking term even then how will our relationship will work?" I said honestly to him. I just can't lie to him.

"OH! I thought that you guys might be on good terms by now but here everything is opposite." He said and I was searching for the words to say. My tongue was twist and non of the words could be formed

"Now listen to me Angel." He said

"I am listening." I said.

"You guys are not on speaking terms then it will never  make the fall of the wall which is creating in between you guys. If he is not ready to talk then you start to talk or else it would be like two strangers living in a same roof." He said and chuckled and I just smiled." Listen Angel even those stranger will know each other soon. You have to work on this relationship. I know that you don't want to marry him but how long you would be alone. Now, that is  your home and this is also your home. This two family you have to handle. You are strong, kind hearted and intelligent like your father. He would be proud to see you. But for now make me proud on you by handling both the house." A tear slipped from my eyes and I quickly wiped it away. I don't want these tears to show up and show my weakness.

"I will make you proud Grandpa and that's my promise and you know how much I keep my promise" I said.

"I know that. For a single promise you can also fight with death." I chuckled and he joined me.

"Okay Grandpa now It is time for you take your medicine as well. Bye and take care. I will try and visit you guys soon." I smiled.

"Bye Angel." He said. I don't want that Angel name to be called many times in front of me. I allow Grandpa cause he love that name and like to call me that only or else I am Nicole. But how long I will hide that My name is Angela Miller not Nicole. Nicole is my middle name. Dad always said that I am like an angel to him that's why he name me Angela. I smiled at that thought and look at the time it was 10 o'clock of the night. I was feeling sleepy. I did my night routine and fall into the sleep.


I woke up and notice that today is Sunday means until I have to go outside I can be in my PJ. I love them. They are more comfortable then anything else. Even guest come I am not gonna change. I am kind of stubborn on Sunday. Me and my siblings love to play outside football, basketball etc. But here I can't play with anyone else. I make myself up from the bed and brush my teeth and have a shower and again wore my PJ.  My PJ were okay it was neither old nor it was new. I come downstairs and straight go to kitchen and again that maid try to stop me.

"What is you name?" I asked her.

"My name is Eva. Ma'am" She said.

"Hi my name is Nicole. And you can call me Nicole no restrictions to call me Nicole. And don't worry I will cook you can do other work." I said to her.

"But ma'am." I look at her. " Nicole I can do that no need to worry." She said.

"No I will do it and you go do other work." I said and she nodded. I said it before I am stubborn kid. Nothing can change me. My food was ready and from kitchen only I started to eat and saw my dear husband. He was looking handsome which I today notice. But this beauty can't attract Nicole. But he was kind of tensed so I decided to ask him.

I asked him what happened and he was like he doesn't seem to be interested in talking with me. But me being me, I read his face expression and it showed some sadness and hate, maybe some hate which might be towards me and I told him and he may be thinking I am astrologer and I cleared his doubt. Then he said that his family is coming. I thought I had heard wrong but damn I heard right. I was happy and wanted to do something but the devil in front of me had refused me.

"Why are you tensed?" I asked him

"Non of your business" He said to me. He again come into his arrogant side. Can't he throw it away for good few minutes.

"But your face doesn't says that. It is saying someone is coming and you are tensed about it" I asked him and he was kind of shocked

"Stop thinking stupid things. From where do I look like an astrologer. I am reading your face which is like a open book nothing else. I am a normal person like you and others. I said and take the bite of my food then we have the argument and normal talks and he is too stubborn to tell me about his love and he asked me same thing. I am not at all interest in falling love then we  heard door bell and a maid opened the door and it reviled Steven's family. He was so happy. I was  happy too. But become sad suddenly as I remembered that I had lost everything that I once had.

But one thing stuck my mind. 

Even I will not near to you and will be far from you then see in your heart we all will be present there only. Those words were of my father.

I smiled a bit and saw that Sr. Mr. Collins had come towards me and hug me and I gave him warm smile. I called him Mr. Collins. But he told me to call him Grandpa. I smiled. I was thinking that I got a family. But expect Sr. Mrs Collins. No one was looking in my direction and Sr. Mrs Collins also give me permission to call her grandma and a boy looked at me who was looking  exactly like his father. He may be is Steven brother. He had see me but again return back to his family. No one know where my family is and I am orphan that I will not tell the world and not let them say me as well. Cause I had build up my family and I am their strength only. I will fight and will always be winner of every game. Cause my family is in my heart.

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