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It was a bright day today.

Damian was woken up by the sun's brightness. He walked to the other side of the bed to kiss his husband, Jon.

He walked into the kitchen when we was startled by the voice of a little boy.

???:" Morning Dad."

Damian:" What are you doing up so early, Bruce."

Bruce:" Couldn't sleep that well."

Damian:" Where's Talia?"

Bruce:" She's still sleeping. I tried not to wake her up. Is dad still sleeping, too?"

Damian:" Yeah, they always sleep in."

Damian walked out of Wayne Manor with a smile on his face. He got dressed for the day. He went into the bat cave only to look at his father's batsuit.

Damian:" Thank you."

He walked around and saw pictures of Bruce, Superman, and other past heroes.

Damian:" Thank you all."

He went back in the house.

 Bruce:" When are they coming?"

Damian:" I believe-"

There was a knock at the door.

Damian:" And there they are."

He opened the door to see Dick Grayson.

Dick:" Hey little brother." 

Damian:" Hello Dick." 

They hugged and then Dick turned his attention to Bruce. They hugged as usual. 

Jason:" Sup Damian."

Damian:" Jason." 

Jason:" Don't act like that." 

They hugged as well. The last brother, Tim Drake came in the most happy.

Damian:" It's nice to see you brother." 

Damian:" You too, Tim."

They all settled down and waited for Jon and Talia to wake up.

Jon:" Morning sweeties." 

Damian:" Morning beloved." 

Bruce:" Morning papa."

Jon noticed the brothers sitting with them.

Jon:" Sup fellas. Didn't think you would be here this early." 

Dick:" Ya, we just wanted to get here early."

Damian:" I should get the kids to school before we talk anymore."

Jon:" I can do it today." 

Damian:" You took them yesterday."

Jon walked over to Damian and whispered.

Jon:" This more important if you stay with your brothers."

Damian:" Alright." 

A few minutes later, Jon, Bruce, and Talia were out the door. This left an awkward silence with the brothers.

Dick:" We need to figure this out now."

Damian:" I know."

They went into the Batcave.

They took out all the suits that the Bruce Wayne wore.

They looked at the one.....the one that he died in.

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