Avengers Picnic

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On one of the off days, where no one was trying to take over the government or kill a bunch of people, the avengers decided to go hiking. So naturally Tony faked an injury, and just Nat, Steve, Bruce, Clint, Wanda, and Thor went. At some point in the hike they stopped to eat and rest. 

Natasha wandered away from everyone when Clint started arguing with Bruce and Wanda dropped a rock on Steve's foot. She wasn't in the mood to deal with adults acting like immature teenagers. Instead she found herself on the very edge of a cliff, the sky and wind her only companions for the moment. It felt good to be alone and semi-free from all responsibilities of being a highly trained assassin. She was so caught up in the peace that Natasha didn't notice Steve until he was standing directly next to her. 

"Nice view."

Natasha started and jumped backward. Only her foot found open air and she let out a gasp as she felt gravity grab her. Steve noticed the second before it happened, and grabbed her before she managed to go careening off a cliff. So the legendary black widow found that the muscular arms of captain America wrapped around her, her own hands hanging on for dear life. 

Steve was awfully close, "Sorry," he whispered. Though he didn't make any move to let her go, and neither did Natasha. 

She liked the feeling of his arms around her, she felt safe and secure. It was in that moment Natasha Romanoff realized that she was in love with Steve Rodgers. As soon as the thought came to her mind she knew it was true. A those times she had felt so afraid when he didn't respond to her in battle, when she caught herself stealing glances at him and brushed it off. It finaly made perfect sense now. She loved him. It was so simple and yet so complex at the same time. 

And was it possible that he felt the same way?

Maybe. Natasha thought about it. He was and had been holding her in his arms very comfortably for the last five minutes, making no motion to release her. In fact he was so close that she could feel his breath on her neck, their noses almost touching. 

There was only one way to be sure.

Carefully and slowly Natasha pressed her lips to his. She could feel his breath quicken before it happened in anticipation. It was nothing like the kiss on the escalator. That was sloppy and rushed, only needing to seem real to the outside world. This was sweet and gentle. With some kind of feeling being passed between the two. 

When they broke apart neither said anything for a few moments. Neither one of them wanting to change the mood. Steve eventually spoke.

"That was..., uh"

"Long overdue" Natasha finished for him. She could see in his eyes he felt the same way. 

Suddenly they both attacked each other. Their mouths moving with a ferocity of need and want. Tongues and hands were everywhere. They kissed hard and fast, as if someone would come and struck one of them dead before they could get there fill. As Natasha moved her hand down between Steves legs however, he stopped the kiss.

He sighed, "the others will be looking for us." 

Natasha only nodded and not her lip, scolding herself for getting so carried away so quickly. This was Steve after all. The old fashioned gentleman who was probably still a virgin anyways. 

They made their way back to the others hand in hand, but just out of earshot and sight Stevd stopped and turned to Natasha. 

"Maybe we should keep this," he gestured between them, "a secret for now. If people knew..." 

He trailed off but Natasha didn't need to ask what he meant. In their line of work it never hurt to be to careful. 

She just nodded, "I know Steve, I know."

Slowly and reluctantly he dropped her hand and they continued on, keeping a friendly yet somewhat intimate distance as they came into sight of their still arguing teammates. Clint called out to Natasha for her help in the argument. 

No one seemed to notice the two unlikely lovers sneaking glances at each other and smiling every once in a while. But then again, if Bruce did notice, he didn't say anything. 


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