Six part 2

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Steve came down from the roof after his talk with Sam, but not before finishing his final bottle. Tony would be pissed at him tomorrow but he really didn't care. The alcohol had barely given him a buzz, and he could already feel it wearing off.

He found his way back to his and Natasha's quarters but hesitated at the door. He had made up his mind to tell her to stop, that they had to stop. He pushed open the door, expecting to find Natasha in the bathroom. But she was laying on the bed, her hair a mess and her eyes red.

"Hey," he whispered, laying by his wife, "Feeling alright?"

She shrugged as much as she could whole lying down. Steve took her hand in his s and squeezed. She didn't squeeze back.

"I talked to Sam, and, um," Steve cleared his throat, "I don't think we should try anymore."

She looked at him.

"And I know I have said it before, but this time I mean it. I can live with us not having kids, as long as we have each other alright?"

Natasha curled into his side and spoke against Steve's shirt, "ok."

Steve was shocked, "Really?"

"Really," she continued, "We've got Lila, Cooper, Nathaniel, Morgan, Peter, and April anyways. And who knows? Adoption could work out eventually too."

Steve inwardly sighed, he didn't want to get his hopes up, but it was a possibility, "You never know," he answered.

Natasha curled into him more and he held her. The couple fell asleep that way, and when they got up in the morning, both seemed to have found some peace.


To those of you who were wondering, April is the name of Sam Wilson and Maria Hill's daughter. They are a couple but not married.

I couldn't imagine Maria in a marriage or permanent relationship for some reason. So her and Sam were just friends with benefits and Maria got pregnant. They live together but it's not smooth. Sam is in love with her and Maria makes it work for their daughter. That's why in the last chapter Sam told Steve: "We'll work through it, we always do."

There will be one more chapter of this mini-series. I don't know when but I'll try to get it out soon.

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