Chapter 1

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It was finally summer, the season that every child, every teen, every adult longed for. 

Well, apart from me.

Whilst all my friends were at the beach or the pool, I was at home. Inside. With my mum.

Even my 11 year old brother, Matt, goes out more than I do. If my mum didn't have a say in what I do then I'd never be in the house but since I'm not 18, I can't.

I want to swim. I want to run. I want to be normal. However that's not possible.

When I was 6 years old i was a normal kid playing with my friends outside, in the sun, having the time of my life. until one day.

June 7th 2012.

My friends and I decided to escape from my back garden and go to the park and in order to get there, there's a road. Stupidly I ran straight across. I didn't see it coming soon enough. I turned away & heard a loud horn followed by a strong, sharp pain in my back.

The next thing a remember is waking up in hospital.

I didn't cry though.

Everyone was confused and was asking me questions like "are you in pain?"  "Why aren't you crying?!"   "don't worry sweetie, it's ok to cry". But I was in no pain. I felt numb.

That's when I was diagnosed with paraplegia. Paraplegia is the damage to the brain or spinal cord which means signals from the lower body can't reach the brain causing loss in sensation. It's sometimes called partial paralysis too.

This means I can no longer feel my legs and I can't have fun anymore. My mum tells me off for saying that and says I should 'still be enjoying life' but how can I enjoy life when I'm stuck in this fucking wheelchair 24/7?

My mum can never hold a conversation with me either. I'm mute & she has very little patience so gets annoyed easily with my meek nods. I haven't felt the need to talk to anyone since the accident. 11 years ago.

All my friends from that day were banned from seeing me because I was a bad influence. I don't blame them. I don't blame anyone but myself. It was my fault. All mine. And for my stupid mistake, I have to repay with my ability to walk and talk. That's what I am. A stupid mistake. And nobody likes mistakes. Do they?
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I'm so excited for this book! I fees so inspired I think I'll post 2 tonight. Don't worry Ethan comes into it soon :)

Good feeling (e.g.d)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora