Chapter 5

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I never thought going to this place would be so fun. I've made 3 friends, best friends in fact, that I never thought I'd make. We all traded phone numbers and snapchats and message every night. This is the closest I've ever been to anyone since the accident apart from family.

"So Maddie, hows therapy been?" My mum had been really happy recently too which made me even happier than I already was.

"Great" I signed before wheeling myself to the car, eager to get there. I hadn't been to therapy in a few days and I was excited to see everyone. My mum didn't come in with me anymore, just watched me go through the door and headed out to do the shopping or something for the 2 hours I was gone for.

"Hey Maddie!" Sarah greeted me with a warm hug as I entered.

"I was hoping you'd be up for some gardening today?" She said with a smile, slightly raising an eyebrow as she already knew what I was about to say.

As we headed down the corridor I saw Aubrey walking towards me with a tray. Ugh. It's unreal how much I despise her. She seen me too with Sarah and smiled so sweet, it made me sick to my stomach.

She got closer and we passed each other. However as she was passing, she 'tripped' and screamed, causing the tray she was holding to fly out of her hands.

It made my ears ring. How I screamed in fear as the car lurched towards me. Not again. Not here. My chest felt heavy as if 100 weights were on it.

Aubrey hit the floor with a bang and I suddenly felt something wet hit my head and pour down me. My eyes were blurry but I could still see what she intentionally spilt. Paint. Black, green, red & blue paint at that.

Sarah, being the nice girl she is, was helping stupid Aubrey up off the floor as I was having a panic attack right next to her. The ringing of Aubrey's scream mixed with the memory of my own and it was too overpowering. I covered my ears to block out the sound but that wasn't enough.

Why hadn't Sarah seen me yet?

I felt as though I was smudging the paint deep into my hair roots but I didn't care. My head was pounding and I felt like passing out.

That's when I felt my wheelchair begin moving and I was relieved Sarah had seen me.

"Ethan! Bring her back right now or I'll have to inform Karla!" A voice that sounded a lot like Sarah yelled from behind me but the screams in my head were so loud and my breathing so heavy, I really wasn't sure.

I reached a door and whoever was pushing me opened it and came in too. A bathroom I think.

"Hey, hey. You're fine." He was trying to help but it didn't help. I'm not fine.

"Flowers! Think of flowers Mads! Lillies, daisies, bluebells, daffodils" out of nowhere he began to comfort me, succeeding in doing so.

How did he know my new soft spot?

Then I felt a large, warm, soft hand place on my thigh gently and rub their thumb up and down comfortingly. It reminded me of my mum.

After a while if just silence and their hand on my thigh, my breathing returned to normal and my eyes cleared.

The screaming in my head reduced to a whisper at the back of my head. I'm so thankful for him.

My eyes had been tightly squeezed shut and I was reluctant to open them. Reluctant to reveal who had seen me in a vulnerable state, who had helped me so willingly, who had no idea what kind of impact they have on me.

My eyes flickered open and I twisted me head to see who it was. Ethan. It was Ethan. He was already looking at me when I turned to him and seen a pink blush rise to his cheeks as he looked away.

I smiled widely and threw my arms round his neck. He was a little shocked but wrapped his hands round my waist and hugged me back. I can't remember the last time I had a proper hug.

I unwrapped my arms and looked at him as he looked in my eyes. We sat in silence for a bit, a comfortable silence, as we surveyed each other's eyes. His soft brown eyes were so beautiful.

"Thank you so much for helping me, without your help I think I would have passed out" I signed at him at quite a speed to make sure I didn't sound to cheesy. He chuckled at me and ran a hand through his messy, dark locks.

"No need to thank me mads, I'd do anything for you" he smiled at me and I smiled shyly back.

He got up from his crouching position and grabbed a towel from the shelf and filled the sink with hot water before approaching me and carefully washing the paint away from my clothes, in an attempt to not hurt me. He then wet the towel again and wet my hair, leaving it damp afterwards so I put it in a high ponytail.

Then he crouched down next to me and lightly wiped the paint off my nose and cheeks. I felt myself blush and my heart beat speed up, in a good way. His face was extremely close to mine and as he moved the towel up my face his eyes met mine. I could feel his warm breath on my cheek and my heart was beating so fast I'm sure he could hear it. I looked away, feeling intimidated. He then put the towel on the radiator and came back to me.

"Are we ready to go fine Sarah and Kayla?" He asked me as he grabbed the handles of my wheelchair and began pushing me out the door. I nodded and kept thinking about what just happened is those toilets.

I think I'm starting to fall, even though i can't walk, I'm definitely falling.
- 1027 words
Does anyone have my book in their library? I'm curious :)

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