Chapter 3

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The building we turned up at was tall and bleak. It looked more like an asylum than a teens community centre. I at least imagined it to have ivy crawling up the walls and the many windows pouring with the sound of cheerful kids that spread happiness to everyone around, the paint on the window frames fresh and bright.

But no.

I sighed and shut my eyes, imagining ways how to get out of having to go.

"Maddie, lets go. We don't want to be late to your first session" she rushed to the back of the car and hauled my wheelchair out before grabbing my arm and helping me onto the chair.

It was especially windy today, making my hair blow into my face as if the world was agreeing with me; I shouldn't be here.

'I don't want to go' I signed to my mum, sticking my bottom lip out and crossing my arms.

"Look Maddie, this could solve everything!" She raised her voice slightly before locking the car and huffing as she pushed me towards the doors. I reached forward and pulled it open, getting an instant whiff of lemon. The receptionist pointed us towards room A6 down the corridor and I crossed my arms across my chest again.

"Would you like me to come in with you sweetie?" My mum asked as she knocked on the door as if she could tell something was up. I violently shook my head without thinking, then immediately regretting it.

"Oh ok, well I'll be in the cafe and once you're done, I'll come and pick you up" she smiled at me and stroked my cheek, a signature calming move from her.

As she disappeared round the corner I heard footsteps coming from the other way. I turned my head to see a boy. A boy who looked around my age. His eyes were glued to the floor as he walked and his seemingly large biceps were visible as he gripped the pile of things tightly in his hands. Long, curly brown hair hung over his forehead, somehow not blocking his vision.

The closer he got to me, the faster my heart began to beat. Human contact was not my strongest point. The closer he got to me, I realised that the corridor was definitely not big enough for the both of us to fit in and he was not going to lift his head up from his chest. I attempted to edge closer to the door and let him past but failed to do so.

He gasped and bent down, collecting his scattered papers. I also spun round and picked up the nearby ones as best I could. His eyes looked up and met mine and for a minute we stayed like that. His eyes were a beautiful, soft brown. The type you could get lost in for hours.

Quickly, I handed him the papers to sign to him in case he was waiting for me to talk first.

'I'm so sorry, I should have moved out of your way' I lifted my hand up to my mouth to bite my nails, an anxiety based habit. He stared at me for a bit whilst I nervously bit my nail, hoping this damn therapist would open her or his door.

He then took me by surprise as he gently grabbed my wrist and placed it on my lap. I gave him a side smile.

'Don't worry about it, it was my fault too' he signed to me. My eyes widened slightly in shock as he stood up and flipped his hair. I nodded vaguely at him as if saying -touché-and he gave me a small smirk before turning on his heel. Just then the door behind me opened.

"Hi! I'm Sarah, you're therapist." I turned to her, jumping at her sudden arrival. She looked at her clipboard.

"Maddie. I see you've met Ethan"
I gave a little nod, noticing her smirk before I looked down the corridor once more in hope of seeing Ethan (no luck) and followed Sarah into her office.
- 683 words
Yay she finally met Ethan!
& happy belated Christmas 🎄

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