Chapter 6 - Regret

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"Please sit on that chair sweetie." Grandma Lucy instructs while pointing to a set of table and chairs. I did as I was told. She followed me and sat in the opposite direction.

"Please give me your hand." I did and she held my hands onto hers.

"Now I would like you to close your eyes and take a deep breath." I nodded and did as instructed.

After a minute or so, she told me to open my eyes.
"You have been rejected by your mate haven't you?" She asked.

Wait, how did she know? My eyebrows raised in questions.

"Oh don't worry hon, I could tell a lot about a person when I see them. I am kind of like a psychic. I used to fortune tell people back in the old days." She chuckled, "It's just an ability some people are lucky enough to born with. I'm also fortunate enough to see the past too. It seems that you have been through a lot. I could feel what you feel and I am really sorry dear. Such a sweet girl like you don't deserve any of these."

I agree.

"So you're 16 aren't you?" She asked to confirm, "such a young little girl going through so much."
"Yeah I am. I am going to be 17 in 2 days." I said and she frowned. I wondered why.

She shook her head.

"If you turn 17 in 2 days, that means you will be able to shift right?" she asked again.

"Uh yeah?" I answered, which came out more like a question.

"Oh dear." She shook her head, and she looked worried.

I frowned, "Um what's wrong?" I asked, confused. What's wrong with me shifting?

She sighed,"It's just; I don't know how to say this but..."

"But what?" By now I am really curious. Something is not right and I can feel it.

"I am sorry dear but I guess no one told you before did they?"

I gave her a questioning look, "Please tell me what is it?" I was getting impatient. Even though I wanted to know, I also didn't want to know. I mean who wants to know terrible news when your whole life is terrible as it is.

"Okay I guess it's up to me to tell you. You see every 16 and 18 years old girls and boys try to find their mates right?"

"Yes that is right?"

"Do you know why they wants to find mates so early? I mean, 16 and 18 years old are still just kids, if you know what I mean. They are not fully grown adults are they?"

Fair point. I shook my head no.

"You see, at age of 17, the girls are finally be able shift. And..."


"If you shift without your mate then you," she paused for a millisecond before continuing, "you might not survive the changes."

I froze.

"I am really sorry dear, I am really sorry. You will go through some extreme painful process and only your mate will able to soothe the pain away, it's just how it is I am afraid. I do not quite know why this occurs, my knowledge is limited."

I could barely hear her as she spoke. My mind wandered off to nowhere. I am going to be seventeen. I need to shift with the help of my mate and no one even bothered to inform me? Not my mate? Not even my mother? Did she really want me to die? I can't believe this. She hated me that much. That much that she doesn't even bother if I will be okay or not. Heck! I don't even think she remembers my birthday. She's not my mother, she can't be. No mother does that to their children.
Tears flow down my cheek.

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