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A/N do you guys want me to do C-Jays POV and Christina's POV and or Alex's POV and more of Jeffrey's POV? Comment yes or no and I'll do that in the next chapters 😊👍\

~~~Ari's POV~~~

C-Jay nodded his head in agreement and said "Yup" it was silent for an awkward amount of time then Christina broke the awkward silence but I really wish she didn't break the silence with that question "so are you two moving in with us I'm pretty sure you'd want too because there's plenty of room in our spacious house?" Ugh I don't want to move out I have memories here! "Well what kind of memories?" Said Christina. Oh nice going Ari you said that outloud "uhm?" Is all I managed to say I feel so stupid,first I get all tongue tied on what to call her then I say something stupid out loud. Christina stops at a red light then looks at me waited patiently for a reply uh uh uh uh what am I gonna say to her "well...uh...uhm...you know...like my...uhm heh my uhm parents...you know lived here with me" the light went green and she glued her eyes to the road and said "oh yeah I'm so sorry I didn't me-" I cut her off "NO! It's okay you didn't know but know you do can we uhm not you know" I searched for words to try and make it sound less rude but nothing came out she nodded "yeah ok let's not... So um what are we getting" I wasn't really hungry so I just asked for those lemonade slushy drink thing's and Jeffrey got one too but with nerds then They all got chili-dogs we went home and by the time we got there everyone was done eating but I haven't finished my drink yet, we got inside and it was 10PM I am tired AF ugh so I just put my PJ's on and plopped on my bed Jeffrey came running upstairs and plopped himself on the bed and kissed me I kissed back he got on top of me I pulled away and pushed him off of me I cringed in pain clutching my lower stomach Jeffrey had a worried face and said "Babe?...what's wrong a-are you okay?!?" I shook my head no and said "I have a huge cramp Jeffrey!could you hand me that pill bottle in my nightstand drawer and my drink please" he nodded and got the bottle and my drink I tried to sit up straight but I couldn't it hurt,I took a deep breath inhaled and exhaled I sat up and drank the pill and washed it down with a couple sips of the drink I looked at Jeffrey with a worried face "I'll be right back" I ran in the bathroom ugh why why why right when I try to go to sleep my period comes 😡 I did what I needed to do in the bathroom and got back on the bed Jeffrey kissed my forehead and said "you okay now?" I looked at him from the corner of my eye and sighed "Jeffrey I don't think you wanna sleep with me tonight unless I use 100 towels under me" I looked away he said "awe no Ariiii!" I looked at him "I'm sorry it's normal but for me it lasts sorta let's just say it doesn't end at the time it should" 😬 <--- I give him that face he says "well how longggg" I said "a week tops" he groaned "no just wrap yourself in a billion towels I don't care but I'm sleeping with you" I rolled my eyes "well you're gonna have to keep your distance oh and you're lucky I don't get grumpy because by now I would have smacked you" he lifted one eyebrow up "wait what!why just for no reason" I looked at him 😑 "exactly just for no reason but-" he cut me off "oi man" I giggled "I do tend to cry for no apparent reason so prepare! And you keep your distance when I cry okay?" He put both hands up in surrender "okay." I pulled up the blanket and threw myself under the covers and turned my back to Jeffrey he huffed and turned off the lights and threw himself under the covers and said "No kiss goodnight? Well then! Pfft" I turned his way and kissed him on the cheek he smiled "thanks" he said I turned around and we went to sleep there was sound of tv. As we slept but it didn't bother


I woke up at 6:30Am from my alarm ringing I didn't have any cramps pain or anything so I just pulled the covers off of me and looked down "sh¡t" I whisper to myself i completely forgot to put towels underneath me I woke up Jeffrey by shaking him whispering "Jeffrey" "Jeffrey baby wake up time for school!" He got up and said "good morin beautiful" I could tell he was half asleep by the he said 'good morin' 😂 I said to him "uhm heh Jeffrey,you know how you chose to sleep with me even though ya know I'm on my days." He nodded "yeah so what?" I giggled "well you should've thought twice" I left him to think about what I said and I ran in the bathroom he quietly said "ARIEL YOU DID NOT!" I laughed "I'm sorry" he said "ugh it's my fault it's okay" I opened the door and stuck my head and said "really? You're not mad?" .-. He said "no I'm not mad! To make it up to you, you have to wash the bed sheets good luck" he blew a kiss at me and winked. I clenched my jaw and got in the shower after I got ready, Jeffrey took a shower I washed our clothes with the bed sheets but had no time to actually pay attention I ran downstairs into the kitchen; there was a note saying •to Jeffrey and Ariel you don't have school today at all because we are going to start helping pack me and Alex went to rent a moving truck we will be back by 8or9 there's breakfast in the microwave just heat it up and leave some for C-Jay bye xoxo~Alex and Christina• awesome we don't have school but we're moving wait we're moving what about Kaelyn ugh I have to give my address right away when we move I hope the house has as much space as Christina says there is Jeffrey said "cool no school for now!" I nodded biting the edge of my lip not looking at Jeffrey I was thinking of how the house might look is it ratchet is it big is it small it cool is it fun is it a good fit? Jeffrey kissed my cheek and interrupted my thoughts by just doing that I flinched as he kissed my cheek not remembering Jeffrey was there. Both Jeffrey and I heard footsteps coming from the stairs I looked up and there was a bed head C-Jay. I giggled at the sight of C-Jay's Mohawk out of place and all messy he mocked me "haha very funny Ari 😒" I rolled my eyes and giggled "oh uh C-Jay your mom and dad left they will be back in a couple hours!" He smiled and nodded and went over to the microwave and grabbed the food I wasn't feeling hungry so I just went on the front porch to get some fresh air everything is happening so quick and I just wish I could stop time to let me think. I hear a 'click' sound from the front door I quickly turn my head towards the door and see C-Jay he had quite a serious face plastered on him he stared into the sky and started speaking not looking directly at me "Is there something up?" I looked up at him and he looked into my eyes I said "uhm no" he said "because if there is you know you can tell me?" I scooted over and patted the spot next to me meaning for him to take a seat next to me,he did so. I said "thanks nothings up I just need some time to think you know?" He looked at the plants beside him "well what is there you need 'some time to think about'?" I looked down at my intertwined hands "well everything is happening so fast,I mean Jeffrey just moved in a couple months ago and then we..." I sigh "Jeffrey and I both promised never to speak of this and do you promise never to tell" he nodded his head yes as he looked in my eyes "ok a couple months ago Jeffrey and I went for a sorta romantic picnic slash walk to the park then this man was taking pictures of us and as fast as lighting we were tied up in some random building" his eyes widened and he gestured for me to continue "and then we got out but we hid in the trees at the park and we met this girl named brook which she seemed really nice you know a typical pretty girl with dirty blonde hair greenish blue eyes and was pretty tall-" he interrupted "wait I know a Brook who lives around here and you seemed to describe her pretty well?" I looked at him "wait no no no C-Jay you can't...just don't have any contact with her verbally nor visually" he raised one eyebrow and had a concerned face "Ari she's my girlfriend and why not?" I swear if it were any possible for my jaw to drop even lower it would "wait C-Jay no she's not the nice girl you think she is" I said raising my voice "she's evil she did something horrible she was the whole cause of Jeffrey and I getting kidnapped then she sabotaged the both of us she kissed Jeffrey on purpose and she lied to us she said that she wasn't done with us" I barely know C-Jay but he is after all my brother...I guess but I still need to look after him and he cannot be with brook that evil little skank isn't going near my brother...wow I never thought I'd ever say that "Ari what are you-" I cut him off and grabbed his hands and held them tight "Look at me C-Jay she's not who you'd think she'd be she's evil and she will hurt you she has not one true bone in her body their all lies on top of lies covered with lies" he said "But I love her!" A tear fell down my face "C-Jay I get that but do you really trust her" he shot up from where he was sat and said "no but I love her and no one can stop me okay?" More tears fell from my face "o-oh-okay." He swung the door open and slammed it shut "GOD DAMNIT!" I yelled I heard the door open but I didn't bother look I know for sure it's not C-Jay because he seemed really pissed off unless he's bipolar then he can't just come back outside all calm like.the door shut and I heard light footsteps come towards me "hey hey what's wrong?" Jeffrey was the last person I want to tell my problems too because every time I tell them to him he can relate and that makes me hurt even more than what I already am. He sat down next to me "are you okay d-did C-Jay do something to you" I wiped my face with my shirt and looked up at him "NO!" I shot back I didn't want him getting any ideas of C-Jay doing something to me I mean all he did was raise his voice but I'm very sensitive when people raise their voices at me I cry.Jeffrey hugged me I said "C-Jays w-w-with b-br-brook a-and I tr-tried to s-s-stop it but he-he loves her-her" 😭Jeffrey pulled away from the hug "W-WHAT! I need to talk to him he can't god knows what she can or will do to him after what she did to us we can't let that happen" ...

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