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It's a kid a used to be friends with his nam is hunter he had the biggest crush on me in 5th grade "Jeffrey!" He yelled "Y-You know each other?" Asked Alejandro "No." "Yes!" Both hunter and I said I said no and hunter said yes it just wish I could stay home Hunter is really a dirty minded freak you have to keep your distance away from him "come on in." he said winking at me. He shut the door and yelled "Alex!, dad! come down we have visitors!" I then heard footsteps and then two males appeared in front of our faces Ari cupped her mouth with her hand wide eyed and hugged one of the males which I guess is Alex "hi Alex." she said while pulling away from the hug... Wow I got a but jealous he's better looking than me! "Hi Ari." he said smiling at her. I don't like him. He whispered something to Ari and she nodded and he grabbed her hand and took her upstairs "hellooo?" said Alejandro waving his hand in my face "oh sorry.." I said cheeks flushed "did you hear what Robert said?" asked Alejandro "uh... no?" I said shrugging "well I said what is your name?" "Jeffrey, Jeffrey Miller." I said smiling still focused on the room door that Alex took Ari in, "well you can go "hang" with Alex and hunter while your father and I speak for a moment." I immediately took my eyes off of the door "my father?" I asked "oh Alejandro." "yes" "okay bye" I said going upstairs and in the room that Ari and Alex were in "wait up!" yelled hunter Ari and Alex were laughing "hey..." I said awkwardly to them "hi!" Ari said walking up to me grabbing my arm and interlocking hers in mine "this is my boyfriend Jeffrey." she said smiling at me "cool hey Jeff-" he got cut off by hunter "boyfriend?" he asked "yeah boyfriend!" I said "you two are brother and sister that's a complete lie right there!" He said resting his arm on my shoulder "get off of me hunter." I said brushing his arm off me "we are dating." Ari said "no you're not stop lying!" hunter said "were not lying!" I said grabbing Ari's cheeks and kissing her lips I pulled away "there! see!" Ari said sitting down in the couch chair and I sat next to her "what?!?" "how is that possible okay just never mind" hunter said leaving the room "like I was saying... Hey Jeffrey nice to meet you." said Alex shaking my hand "just ignore my fag of a brother! he's so annoying when we have visitors." he said face palming "ya I can tell." Ari said giggling "so..." I said "umm I don't know?" Alex said "who wants to play connect?!" "sure" I said "me!" Ari said. Alex led us to a room and it was huge full of video games and councils "what game?" he asked "don't matter" I said shrugging

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