I told you i loved you, So ill keep it that way.

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•Jeffrey's P.O.V.•

"What you can't kiss me? Ari I know something's up that you haven't been telling me!" I exclaimed "No Jeffrey I can't kiss you it just doesn't fell right anymore." she said calmly, grasping on to the back of my head and interlocking her fingers in my hair and sliding her hand across my jaw line "what do you mean?" I asked "I mean to tell you that there is something I just-I just can't tell you." she stated pressing her forehead against mine closing her eyes and breathing heavily, which for some reason calmed me down a bit "why C-Can't you Tell me?" I stammered she shrugged "I just don't know how to tell Jeffrey." "Ari either way I can figure out." I said with concern obvious in my tone "okay but I need your permission because if you don't want me to do this I don't have to do this." she said resting her hands on my lap "well..." I said meaning for her to tell me "oh!" she exclaimed getting up and walking over to her dresser and grabbing an orange envelope and sitting back down sealing her lips shut looking at the envelope and at me maybe about 100 times. And finally handed it to me "what's this?" I asked she nodded her head meaning to read what's inside the envelope so I took what was out of it; a paper, I unfold it with s puzzled look on my face and it read •Ariel Eliana Miller New Jersey Academic school 9th grade-12th grade.• that's all I needed to read before I shot up from my spot eyebrows raised jaw opened down to the ground. And tackled Ari "congrats babe!" "so I can go?" she asked giggling "yes of course!" I said back "thanks!" she said grabbing my face and pulling me towards her making me squish her she didn't even care she just kept kissing me "okay now this hurts." she said, I giggled and got off of her and plopped onto the bed and she got on top of me and kissed me "I love you Soooooooo much!" she squealed as she plopped on top of me I kissed her head and squeezed her tight "but the thing is I-I'm going to be gone 3 years." she gulped "yeah... I know." "but promise me you'll keep the promise rind on forever and always?" I asked "I promise forever and always." she Asher hands on my chest and her warmth is warming me up and her breath from her giggle gives me a tingling sensation throughout my body I love her "perhaps promise will be our always." I said giggling positive on what her reply would be "don't go all TFIOS on me bruh." she said giggling "I knew you were gonna say that." I said playing with her hair "but perhaps promise will be our Always." she said kissing my cheek "then it shall." I said smiling at her beautiful smile .And her warm cheek kiss she wiggled her fingers in front of my face showing me she had on the promise ring and I did the same "promise we will not fall I love with anyone but each other?" I asked "I promise we will not fall in love with anyone but each other while I'm gone." she replied "I love you." I said almost kissing her, she put her index finger between our lips keeping them from meeting "promise?" she asked holding in a giggle "promise." I said smiling; she removed her finger and smashed her lips onto mine and right when she did that I just got a little flashback on the day we met, the day I made that one simple note in her backpack "funny how just one note created our always." I stated "weird huh?" she said playing with my hands "yeah." I said spacing out "yup." she said "H-" I got cut off by Christina yelling "Dinners ready! chick filé" "hold that thought." Ari said kissing my cheek and walking out the door I followed her and we went downstairs.


After we ate Alejandro wanted to a friends house we all agreed and went to his friends house Alejandro knocked on the door and a familiar face appeared The door it wasn't an adult it was a kid I'm guessing who is maybe 14 or 15. It popped in my head (Tehehe grue "light bulb." Lol okay back to story) I know who it is "...

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