Ignore it and just have fun!

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~~~~Jeffrey P.O.V.~~~~

"But why!?! This-this can't be happening we just-I just met her" he said almost crying I said "I know I as sad as you are no actually even more sad but we can't just be like oh she has cancer she's gonna die. No we have to ignore it and just have fun!" Ari said "yeah!" I nodded my head and went to talk to the nurse "nurse when does Ari get out of the hospital" she smiled "today" I nodded and went to Ari's room "you're leaving today" she smiled "okay" I helped her off of the hospital bed and kissed her and she went in the bathroom and changed out of the hospital gown and into the close she had on before and we went in the waiting room I went up to hear the conversation Christina and the doctor were having "just make sure she has super vision while she's sleeping because she will be getting asthma attacks in her records it said she used to have asthma and because of her illness it's bringing back the asthma attacks so come back tomorrow for her medicine and treatments okay have a nice day" said the doctor Christiania said "oh okay she sleeps with Jeffrey and he takes good care of her, for 13 year old soul mates they're really good together they know how to take care of each other" the doctor had a confused look on her face "Soul Mates?" Christina nodded her head "yup soul mates I'm pretty sure brother and sister or friends do t sleep together or kiss each other?" Christina said jokingly. Eh she's got. Point there. The doctor laughed and said "well I have to go I've got 3 more patients ahead you have a good one bye" Christina smiled and waved and said "you too goodbye" I ran to sit next to Ari when Christina turned around Ari giggled and whispered "what'd they talk about?" I whispered "tell you later" Christina said "ok let's go kids wait where's C-Jay and Alex?" I giggled "in the restroom" Christina sighed "of course" we all laughed and we waited for Alex and C-Jay


We ran upstairs and started packing up for our new home I was awfully excited and exhausted but I helped Ari pack too in a matter of hours we finished packing both of our rooms and we put the stuff in the moving truck including the beds then C-Jay and I did Ari's parents room and Ari did the bathrooms and Christina And Alex did the living room and Kitchen we cleaned the pool and covered it and cleared out the stuff in the front porch and back porch and the basement I'm surprised we did all this in one day


We took out the blankets and pillows and went in the living room and set them down on the floor and Ari and I laid down hand in hand and C-Jay laid beside me and Christina laid beside Ari and Alex Laid beside Christina Alex Got his MacBook Pro and put on some Netflix we watched •Silent Hill• Ari squeezed me a bunch of times I kissed the top of her head and she winced in pain "I'm sorry" I said to her she giggled "it's okay" she pulled on to my sweater and started shivering I pulled away and took off my sweater and slid it on her she smiled and stopped shivering "you were going to tell me later" she whispered to where only I can hear "oh yeah" honestly I didn't want to tell her because I know asthma sucks and she's happy it ended but here it goes phew "you are going to get asthma attacks but do t worry i swear I'll be here for you every step of the way and I-" she cut me off and pulled me closer to her by the collar of my shirt causing it to unbutton and she kissed me for a good 10 seconds she pulled away and said "thanks babe I love you" I smiled "I love you too" I started to button my shirt back up when Ari put her hand on mines and shook her head no and started unbuttoning my shirt she took my shirt off and she rested her head on my chest and I squeezed her tight (can this moment be any better right now?!?) a girl in the movie screamed at the same time our door knocked causing Both Ari and I to jump C-Jay jumped up and said "I got it!!!" He opened the door and said "Mom" he motioned his head towards the door Christina got money from out of her pocket and gave it to the person standing at the door I couldn't quite cut out what the man had in his hands Christina shut the door and turned around with a huge Box in her right hand and a receipt and change in her left hand "Pizza...? Anyone?" She said giggling "yes!" I said "sure" said Ari "of course" said Alex and for C-Jay he just ran up to Christina and sat the box on the ground and grabbed a slice and took a bite after a second he screamed "HOT! HOT! HOT!" We all laughed and left the pizza in the box to cool off we got waters from my back pack and then we ate "w-why are you shirtless" said C-Jay "because I want to" I said to C-Jay he nodded "yous gots a's points" he said in a weird accent and took his shirt off we all finished the pizza Ari put her hand on my shoulder and brought her lips close to my ear and whispered "I'm tired" I nodded and looked at my phone •11:47PM• she's tired at this time, I sorta am too Alex looked at like 'what did she say' I looked at Ari then Alex "she's tired" he nodded "how about we all go to sleep" said Christina we all nodded in agreement I laid down then Ari buried her head in my chest and her warmth was the best thing that could ever happen to me at this very moment Christina said "Awe god bless y'all two" Ari giggled and we both said "thanks" she smiled and they all laid down and went to sleep I was the last one to sleep I couldn't sleep To Be Honest I was thinking about Ari what if she had an Asthma attack and I'm sleeping or what if she stops breathing and I'm sleeping I can't let that happen so I just decided to stay up all night I kissed her head all night to keep me occupied


~~~Ari's P.O.V.~~~

I woke up to Jeffrey's lips pressed against the top of my head "good morning babe" I say to him "good morning babe" h says back I look up at him he looks tired maybe he just woke up late "what time did you wake up mister, you look real tired" I said to him "oh um in sorta kinda haven't didn't really sleep" he said "what why" I scratched at him "because I was watching after you" I slapped his chest leaving a tiny red mark "ouch!" He squealed at me I giggled "Jeffrey do t worry about me worry about yourself okay I'll sleep fine I promise okay you need to get your rest" I said to him "no I need to think about you more than I have to think about me because I love you Ari!" He said to me I kissed him on the cheek "awe baby!" "Think about us" I said intertwining our fingers and putting my hand over our intertwined hands he smiled and put his thumb under my chin and brought my head up and grinned ear to ear and said "I love you" I giggled "I love you too" he kissed me on the lips and it got interrupted by Alex saying "let's go love birds we got a road to get on!" We smiled and we got our blankets and pillows and said our last goodbyes to the house everyone let's in the car but me I said i needed a moment of silence I ran upstairs into my parents room my empty parents room I went into the master bathroom in my parents room and remembered when I was little I would watch my mom do her make-up I saw something white sticking out from the medicine mirror cabinet In front of me I opened the cabinet door and there was an envelope is took it in my pocket when I hear some footsteps "Ari we're leaving c'mon" said Jeffrey I ran out of the bathroom and closed the door then out of the room and closed the door Jeffrey smiled and turned around and was about to take a step down but I stopped him "yeah?" He said with a worried tone "I want to have one last kiss in the room where we had our first kiss" he smirked and I dragged him into our old room and jumped on him causing him to have his back against the wall he grabbed my bottom and he kissed me I kissed back he kissed my neck causing me to let out a small moan I pulled away and jumped off of him and ran downstairs "let's goooo! Jeffrey!!!!!" He followed I closed the door and we ran into the car I got my phone out and texted Kaelyn Me-Ari Kae-Kaelyn

Me•hey I'm leaving now I'm going to miss you so much ilysfm 😫😭😢😱😖😘

Kae•ugh I miss you already I promise you I will come visit you okay? Listen igtg dishes ughhhh but ily2 Muah 😘

Me•okay.I'd love that bye ily more 😘

Kae•not possible

Me•yes possible

<end of convo>

Jeffrey leaned his head on my shoulder and instant fell asleep he's so cute when he's sleeping awe I kissed his lips but he kissed back 😐 he sleep kisses haha I leaned my head back and instantly fell asleep in a snap of a finger I felt so done shaking me and I heard someone saying "we're here we're here wake up wake wake up" I looked up and at the same time Jeffrey did and we bumped heads I looked out the car window and saw...

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