Chapt. 5: Bite After Bite..

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The next day, I was in the recording studio all day with my brothers so I didn't even saw her but this night, she went to the bench

- Hey.. - I said sitting down

She turned her face to me and I saw faint tear marks on her cheeks

- Why are you crying?

- Nick.. can you just.. hold me?

Why was she crying? What has happened? Who hurt her?

Without thinking twice, I pulled her to my lap where she cried.. after a little while, she started to calm down

- What's wrong Demi?

She sniffed a little and I took in her fragrance.. - I'm sad..

- Oh really? I didn't saw that! - I said sarcastically trying to pull out a smile from her but she didn't gave it to me - But why?

- I don't wanna tell you..

I rubbed her back and kissed her head - It's okay.. but if you let it out, you'll feel better.. No pressure though

Her left hand escaped through under my arm and she hugged me tightly - Thank you..

It's stupid how we're friends for just a few days yet here I am with her on my lap..

- You're welcome Demi..

After two weeks, we had almost everything ready.. we just needed another week to shoot the "Too Cool" scene and then two more weeks to shoot the Jam where Mitchie sings "This Is Me" with Shane

Demi and I didn't talked about that small breakdown after it but I was still a little worried about her

I walked in the cafeteria. This was the week where they would "build" the stage and prepare the lights for everything

I sat with Roshon and Kevin eating and after a little bit, Jasmine, Demi and Shorty, a dancer, sat in front of us

Demi and Roshon started talking and Shorty started talking with Kevin and Jasmine.. as usual, I ate quietly listening to their conversations

After a while, I stood up since I've finished my meal and said "goodbye"

- Wait! I'll go with you! - Demi smiled standing up with her tablet on her hand

She once again ate nothing

I decided to confront her in the studio since we were going to record "This Is Me" and our voices for "We Rock".. just us

After finishing the songs, we still had a little bit of time so I went to a food machine and brought a candy for me and a sandwich

- Hey.. wanna write a song? - She asked me smiling while I walked towards the couch

I sat next to her and took a deep breath - Demi.. is everything alright?

- What? - she asked confused

I picked up a little bit of my chocolate and ate it - You promise you won't get mad at me?

- Why would I get mad at you?

I brought the sandwich higher and handed it to her - Eat this..

- I'm not hungry..

- Demi you ate nothing at lunch.. eat this!

- I don't want to!! - she said throwing it at me and leaning on the other side of the couch

- Look.. I'm not your mom, or a doctor but I'm your best friend and I care about you! It's not the first time I see you skipping your meal..

- You're spying on me?!

- No Demi.. I just noticed!

I stood up and kneeled in front of her - Why are you starving yourself?

She closed her eyes and I knew she was containing tears... I knew something was wrong.. I was dying for her to tell me! I was really worried about her because she's been doing this for at least a month!

- Demi, why are you not eating?

- Because I'm fat.. - she said emotionless looking at the carpet with her head on her hand

- What? Who told you that! Demi you're not fat!

She shook her head and let some tears fall - Please stop lying.. - she said quietly

I shook my head and rubbed her knee - Hey.. look at me

She ignored and I got closer to her - Look at me Demi

She turned her eyes to me and I smiled a little - I mean it! You are beautiful.. why do you think you're fat?!

She chuckled and cleaned her eyes - Don't you have fucking eyes on your face? Nobody will ever like me!

- Come on Demi! You have lots of people who adore you.. your family.. Joe, Kevin, Meaghan, me.. and if they don't like you they are probably mentally challenged

She shook her head - Demi.. smile.. don't cry because you are beautiful!

I stood up and pulled her to my arms hugging her.. she pulled me down and I sat next to her while she cried - I'm fat and ugly

I sighed - Demi stop! What can I do to prove you that you're wrong?!

She continued crying and I hugged her even more tightly making her body crash into mine while she rested her head on my chest - I love you Dems.. you're my best friend.. please don't starve yourself..

She buried her face in my chest and I looked down seeing a mess of hair - I love you too.. Please don't ever leave me..

- I was not planning on going anywhere! - I whispered in her ear

After the week of "building" the stage, we were allowed to go practice so that was exactly what me and Demi were doing

In the first week, Jasmine practiced her routine and Meaghan too so I focused on getting the dance choreography in my head

The second week was for Roshon, Anna and Jordan.. they and the dancers practiced non stop on it

The third week was all for me and Demi.. and the 4th was for "We Rock"

- Okay.. so you come together to the middle of the stage - the choreographer said as we did it - give hands

I took her hand and blushed a little.. just a simple touch and my heart went insane..

- Come here to the middle and to the "We Rock, We Rock On" movement - he said as we did them

We continued the rehearsal. It was funny to watch the others dancing.. I enjoyed making this movie so far..

We did it all from beginning to end and then went to our cabins

I took a shower and headed to the cafeteria. As soon as I spotted Demi, I went to her side and asked for food

We sat together at a table and I started eating my food.. after a few minutes, I looked up and saw Demi playing with her salad

- You have to eat Dems..

She nodded still playing with her food

I sighed - Come on! Bite after bite.. take your time!

- Bite after bite.. - she repeated picking up a fork full

- Yes.. bite after bite.. We ain't going anywhere until you have half done.. then we can go and write songs or just talk.. take your time Demi

She looked up and I gave her a small encouraging smile - Thank you..

She took a bite and I continued eating.. she did it.. she ate half of the salad.. I felt proud of her

As I promised, we went write and had fun afterwards.. I felt happy for her and I bet she also felt happy for herself too..

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