Chapt. 10: WHAT?!

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We started the world tour in May and a little bit before, I finally broke up with Selena.. We were walking through the streets and I sat with her in a bench.. She was actually very mature.. she accepted very well.

We started the tour and only ended it in 2009. I was so happy to see so many fans. We were almost every day in the news and magazines.. we were in our high point.

I lost count of how many interviews we did but we of course still kept it humble.. we're just three brothers living the dream..

We came back December 14th and had a little Christmas break. Just our family in our house in Texas. It was great!

On the 3rd morning of January, we recieved a call from our manager, saying we were going to do a 2nd Camp Rock..

I became nervous since I haven't seen Demi since the last year.. I saw her in a film called Princess Protection Program. She made it with Selena and I don't know why, but I watched it.

She did a great job pretending she was a princess since Demi normally was more of a tomboy.

I also saw Frankie sometimes seeing "Sonny With A Chance" and it was quite funny actually.. her faces were hilarious

On February, we went to Toronto.. I missed this place and just like the first time, the first night was to meet the cast

We walked inside and saw Alison, Jasmine, Roshon, Jordan, Anna & Meaghan. Damn they changed! We were older now! It'sbeen almost a year.

Of course Kevin and Joe also changed but I didn't noticed as much

We even met some new people like a girl named Chloe who was going to be Joe's love interest and Mathew who was going to be the bad guy. It was funny 'cause our little Jonas was going to be in the movie too.

I walked to the circle of people who were talking - Anyone saw Demi?

The girls laughed and pointed at the girl next to me. I didn't even recognized her with the black hair - Demi?

She laughed - Did you forgot me Jonas?

- No I just.. thought you were other person..

She laughed and we walked out the circle. She was still beautiful but she also was somewhat palid.. and skinny..

- So Jonas, how's been life after Selena?

I laughed - So funny.. - I commented sarcastically


Nick was a lot different! I thought it was funny that he didn't even recognised me. He was much taller now and much more.. of a man? Yeah.. that's the word

- Have you read the script yet? - I asked remembering what I read earlier..

- Actually no.. I'm in the middle.. In the part where you almost kill me because I did a water fight

Oh god.. when he finds out..

- You're going to be shocked!

- I will? - he asked smirking at me

I sat on the bench with him next to me - Yep.. I just hope it isn't awkward before

His eyebrow went up - What do you mean? What happens?

I shrugged - I am NOT gonna be the one telling you so, hurry up with the reading

He rolled his eyes and I looked down seeing the bracelet I gave him.. it made me smile.. I was happy I had a friend like him..

We talked through the rest of the day and everything came back.. the reasons why I loved him.. the things that made me smile.. the deep conversations that made me shiver from time to time.. evrything..

Through the last months, I've been trying to get him off of my mind.. How can it come back all over again just in seconds?!

- Demi!!

I looked at him - What?

- We're you even paying atention?

I looked back at the river - Sorry.. no.. what?

I looked back at Nick and he seemed disapointed - Nothing


- Demi.. I know you don't like me the same way but I love you and I want you to know it..

I looked at her and she seemed lost

- Demi!!

- What? - she asked turning to me

- We're you even paying atention?

She looked away again - Sorry.. no.. what?

I shook my head.. probably was for the best.. - Nothing.. Lets go back to them..

I stood up and walked away while she followed me

I felt sad.. I told her and she wasn't listening... like nothing

The next day, we were exploring the new scenario, the "Camp Star" it was nothing like "Camp Rock" indeed! It was super modern and had an arena. It was amazing!

We all separated and I went straight to the stage. There was a guitar and I wanted to play in it.. since no one was around, I sat in the stage and strumed it

I tried some melodies looking at the chairs and the words came like magic..

- "If we chase stars to loose our shadow, Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine.. So won't you fly with me?" - I sang randomly

I liked the reference to Peter Pan.. it sounded great.. the big question was why? Why Peter Pan?

I don't even know my own brain..

Chuckling, I put the guitar down and walked out of the stage


I walked towards the main stage and saw a guitar and a microphone. I walked there and saw a body going away

I ran towards it and saw Nick running his hands through his hair a little mad.. why could he possibly mad?

- Nick!

He stopped turning around - Hey Dems! - he fake smiled

- Is everything alright?

He looked away - Yeah.. just... going out.

I nodded and he walked out the door

Wow.. and then girls are complicated


The next day, we started making the movie. I was doing the truck scene with Big Rob, Joe and Kevin

- "Hey Mitchie? That's your big line?!" - Nate asked sarcastically while walked out of the truck's way

Kevin was hilarious saying "How could I have told you if I just remembered now.."

The man said cut and we moved out the way so that the truck could roll

It was funny and we spent the entire day doing it.

We went back to the campus and I saw the girls doing the whole reunion scene in a cabin

I went to my cabin since I had nothing more to do and hanged there with Joe. Just talking and telling jokes..

I continued reading my script and Joe laughed - Have you seen it already?

I looked up - Seen what?

H elaughed and came to me turning a few pages

- "Mitchie and Shane fold the Camp Rock flag.." what does it have?

He rolled his eyes and pointed down

- WHAT?! - I shouted incrediously


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