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~Third Person POV~

"Do you sense that mother?" Alia asked.

"Sense what?" Iri asked back.

"Father is here," Alia never took her eyes off of the battlefield, the master could emerge at any second. Saber cut lancers cheek, it wasn't deep but it was still enough to make him be cautious. There was a gust of wind behind Alia, she turned around in a full circle to make sure if someone or something was watching her they would just think she was scouting the battlefield. It was an assassin but he wasn't making any moves so she decided not to attack. Although she did keep one of her familiars on him so she would know if he moved.

"There is really no honor in a battle fought without the exchange of names, but allow me to offer my regards. It's impressive for a woman to fight so hard without even breaking a sweat as she does it," Lancer said.

"You needn't be so humble, Lancer. Even without my knowing your name, those words from such a master of the spear do me honor. I gratefully accept them," Saber said.

"That's enough fun, for now, Lancer," Someone spoke.

"Lancer's master?" Iri asked.

"Yes, I can sense him, but I don't know where he is," Alia said.

"Do not allow this battle to go on. Saber is a formidable opponent. Eliminate her at once, you may use your noble phantasm," Lancer's master spoke, Alia stepped in front of her mother protectively.

"As you command. I will comply," Lancer dropped the shorter of the spears, the rapping in the longer one disappearing. "You heard the command, the time has come for me to kill you. Saber are you using focused win mana to keep your blade concealed? I see I'll wager that you have a very good reason to conceal your sword from me. I think the sword reveals your true name."

"How unfortunate for you, Lancer. I afraid you'll never know the true name of my blade, I'll finish this before you get the chance," Saber said.

"We shall see about that. I will discover whatever it is you're hiding, Saber," Lancer lunged."You've exposed your sword to me."

"The invisible air is disintegrating," Saber said, Lancer caught her off guard and almost stabbed her, but she jumped out of the way just in time.

"What's going on with Saber?" Iri asked.

"I don't know should I step in?" Alia asked. The ground flew up around the 2 servants Saber landed away from Lancer.

"I know the length of your blade now, I needn't worry about being struck by you anymore," Lancer said. Iri put her hand over her mouth. Lancer struck Saber in the side, she left a trail of blood as she backed up.

"Saber?" Iri asked using her magic to heal Saber wound.

"My thanks Irisviel, the healing is working," Saber said.

"I see so this won't be an easy victory after all," Lancer said.

"So that's it, I know the secret of your spear, Lancer," Saber said.

"Oh? And what is that?" Lancer asked.

"That red spear of yours is able to negate magic," Lancer said.

"So your armor was created using magic huh? Well if you were counting on it to protect you, you should surrender now, Saber. You're as good as naked before my spear," Lancer said.

"Don't think that simply defeating my armor will give you the upper hand in this battle. If I cannot block your blade, I need only kill you before it strikes. Prepare to die, Lancer," Saber's armor disappeared and her normal dress took its place.

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