The Fanale

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[A/N] This will be the final chapter in this story and I'm sorry for the feels of the last chapter. You are all stars in my book. Now onward!!!

~Third persons Pov~

Alia stayed with her mothers body, until it was transferred into a new building. She started to set up the ritual, her mother's body lay on a comfortable table, her hair was perfectly laid out beneath her. Alia waited for anyone to come she wasn't allowed to leave the building, even attempting to would be suicide, it was closely guarded by Gilgamesh, though she could feel when Rider died. He was a good man, one deserving of respect and honor. Alia wandered the building looking for any possible way out when she spotted two men she despised. Each had killed someone she loved, in front of her eyes. Kiritsugu Emiya and Kirei Kotomine. Their eyes met in the brightly lit room, then the fighting began, Kiritsugu with a gun in hand and Kirei with his daggers. Kirei rushed Alia's father his daggers glowed a red then got bigger, Kirei crossed them in front of his face. Kiritsugu shot one of his origin rounds, though all it did was break through the daggers thick metal. Nonetheless, Kirei didn't seemed fazed at all, he just kept running, Kirei went to kick the white-haired female's father but he used his time alter and was able to dodge the attack. He flipped back up into a standing position, firing his machine gun, the bullets hit the ceiling breaking it. Kirei was able to cut the bullets in half with his daggers, he moved at an alarming rate.

"Don't think you'll escape this time," Kiritsugu said. Kirei didn't reply to it just charged again. He was fast it was hard for Alia to keep her eyes on him. Kirei sent a blow to Kiritsugu's gut and Kiritsugu spit out blood, because of the impact. The powerful blow sent Kiritsugu back and he slammed into one of the walls, it made an indention. Alia's attention was drawn to a massive surge of energy, though it seemed neither of the males had felt it. Alia rushed back to where her mother's body lay, she stood by it as her body erupted up into flames. Alia tried to grab onto her mother's hand as it was finally hitting her that she was losing her mother. Alia cried out in pain as her hands burned from the hot fire, tears streamed down her face once more. But they didn't last long, it seemed as though Alia had cried all of her tears out. After Alia's mother's body had disappeared the grail appeared on the table. God how much Alia hated that thing. Alia touched it feeling it's cold metal surface. Alia's eyes rolled to the back of her head as the grail showed her a vision. It was pitch black when Alia opened up her eyes. It was night time, she looked around seeing her home in Germany. Her sister Illya played on the ground, she looked so young, so innocent, Alia smiled. She watched as her sister was taken to the medical bay so they could perform a series of emplacements into her body. Illya was the perfect homunculus they couldn't make a better one. She had no flaws, no signs of flaws, she would be the image of perfection for anymore Einzbern homunculus. Though being perfect has a cost, to make Illya perfect she had to go through many surgeries's to put her magical circuits in place. They weren't ordinary circuits either, like Alia's circuits they were man-made so they would function at the top of their game. Alia turned away as she watched her sister scream in pain, the worst part about the surgeries was that they made you stay conscious through it all. Alia watched as her sister found the room they kept the failed homunculus in, each one had some type of weapon through its chest. That had almost been Alia until she had shown promise in many different types of magic. The Einzbern family saw her as a perfect candidate for the grail, so they made her learn magic. Illya cried as she saw the other homunculus, she was sad Alia could feel it, though Alia knew this hadn't happened yet. As the image faded Alia screamed at the grail.

"Why do you show me this? Do you wish to see me suffer more than I already have?" Alia screamed at the top of her lungs, sinking to her knees. She knew that when she was born she would suffer a thousand times over. But she had to stay strong for Illya. Alia's arms glowed purple as her magical circuits showed up, but it was not her that was doing this, it was the grail. "What is it now? What do you want from me?" Alia grabbed her head. Her vision went black again, this time a new image popped up. It showed Alia in the middle of the church room in the castle in Germany. The summoning circle glowed purple, as Alia's blood dripped into it. That was the only image this time, but Alia didn't fully understand why the grail was showing her this. But she made no move to question it further as she knew she wouldn't get an answer. The final image was of a beautiful lake, the water was clear and it seemed to sparkle under the light of the moon. But suddenly the water turned to black sludge, it crept higher and higher. But Alia was unable to swim away, her feet were being held to the ground by something strong. Alia held her breath as the sludge rose above her head but she knew she wouldn't be able to hold it for long. Alia squinted her eyes and she saw someone else under water with her. She looked harder and saw there were hundreds of people surrounding her in the water, some she recognized. They were all dead by the looks of it, but one face, in particular, stood out to Alia, It was her mother. Alia tried to scream out to her but her lungs were just filled with the black sludge. She coughed violently trying to clear her lungs of the deadly liquid. Someone pulled her out of the sludge, and placed her on land, she greedily took in the fresh air. She looked up to thank her savior and was shocked to see Diarmuid. Alia lept into his arms, happy to see him again, he stroked her hair comfortingly. But Alia felt something was off about the scene, she backed out of the embrace.

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