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Oof rip, I'm just gonna write some more trashy fanfics
Enjoy me trying to explain the wonderful Wizarding world of o- Harry Potter :')
This takes place in 2005 bEcAuSe I cAn
I sighed, looking at the small alarm clock next to my bed. Life wasn't easy when your family had high expectations in the Wizarding world, wanna know why? Pure-blooded wizards and witches are so rare in our world, there are only twelve scared families left. Sadly, my family was one of those scared twelve.
I quickly put on a pair of black ripped jeans, grey high tops, a short sleeved My Chemical Romance t-shirt, and a black choker. I put my wand behind my left ear and dragged my trunk down the stairs. After setting it down by the door my house elf, Eva, walked up to me nervously.
"Young master E-Evermore would you like me to grab your owl, Screech, for you?" Eva asked shyly, her small fragile hands shaking.
"No you're fine, I was born with arms for a reason," I replied back my voice faint and soft.
Eva left the room to help my Father in his study. As she left I walked back upstairs and grabbed my barn owl named Screech. I walked back downstairs with Screech making sure not to harm him or wake him up. I sat him carefully on top of my trunk and then made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed myself an English muffin and checked the clock. It was almost time to go.
"Megan, dear?" My mother asked, her voice echoing throughout the silent mansion.
"Yes Mother?" I replied, making my way to the door.
"Ah! There you are," Mother said, looking at my choice of clothes. "Wouldn't you want to wear something less...ah, what's the word...emo?" She asked.
"No, this is fine," I stated, locking eye contact with my Mother. "Will Father be joining us?" I asked with no emotion in my voice.
"No, he has some stuff he needs to talk about with the minister," Mother said.
Mother grabbed my owl cage with one of her hands and my hand with her free one. I grabbed my trunk, making sure it was locked.
We apprated into a small alleyway by the train station, hopefully we weren't late. I walked through the wall, seeing the train was here.
"Have a good first semester, Megan," Mother said, kissing my forehead.
"I will," I replied, setting my stuff down by the other trunks.
When I got on the train, most of the compartments seemed full, luckily I found an empty one. I sat down, preparing myself for the long journey.
"H-Hi...may I sit here?" A small but kind voice asked.
"Sure," I replied.
I looked to see a girl, with long dark brown hair that was curled at the end and two different colored eyes. One eye was a bright green and one was a bright blue. She had tanned skin and she was about four foot nine inches, maybe.
"I-I'm Fawn, Fawn Jenkins," Fawn said shyly.
"I'm Megan, Megan Evermore. But you can call me Meg," I replied smiling as I extended my hand.
"Nice to meet you Meg," Fawn smiles back, taking my hand and shaking it.
"So what house would you like to be in, Fawn?" I asked curiously, she looked like a Hufflepuff or a Ravenclaw to me.
"Hopefully Hufflepuff," Fawn responded, fidgeting with a small silver bracelet. Heh, called it. "What house do you want?" She asked.
"Slytherin," I quickly replied, not being hesitant with my answer.
[Time skip, because I can :)]
Fawn and I walked into the Great Hall, I was amused by it's beauty. We stood there for a minute letting the hat sing it's song and then Professor O'Brian gave a small speech. After Professor O'Brian's speech she allowed Professor Sanderson to start calling off the list of names.
"Josh Greenwood"
A few moments of grumbling went by, I could only make out a few words.
The names and houses kept on going by faster and faster.
"Austin Neil"
"Gabby Connors"
"Fawn Jenkins"
I looked at Fawn, giving her a supportive thumbs up and a smile as she walked up there.
" have the wits and craftsmanship to be a Ravenclaw but...your loyalty and putting your needs before others may I say...Hufflepuff!"
Fawn's smile was so bright and her eyes were full of excitement as she ran up the table of clapping Hufflepuffs.
"Megan Evermore"
I walked up and nervously sat on the stool. The hat didn't even bat a damn eyelash to place me.
I jumped off the stool and went over there, I smiled and sat down next to a boy with light sandy brown hair and sky blue eyes.
"Hi!" He happily said.
"Hello," I replied.
"I'm Peter Maxwell, but you can call me Pete," Pete said, extending his hand.
"I'm Megan, Megan Evermore. By you can call me Meg," I smiled, shaking his hand.
Screee my mind went half way blank while writing that lmao

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